Study Claims Male Gamers Perpetuate ‘Technomasculinity’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men can’t win. After enduring decades of being called “losers” or “basement dwelling neck beards” while simultaneously being accused of male privilege, now male gamers are being accused of perpetuating “technomasculinity.”

It’s like “toxic masculinity,” but in video games. A “study” from University of Idaho professor Robin Johnson claimed that technomasculinity is “an expression of masculinity that is oriented toward the mastery of technology and skilled use of technological tools and systems.”
Basically, someone made up a word to describe male technical interest and achievement, and using social justice buzzwords, turned that prowess into something anti-woman. In reality, constantly calling men’s actions oppressive is a form of misandry.'

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... she thinks of computer programmers -- male ones, that is.

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to shame men. Feminists have already added several neologisms to the language to facilitate their primary objective, which is to shame men simply for being men. "Mansplaining," "manspreading," and why not just "breathing while being male"? Now "technomasculinity"? When you unpack "studies" like this, you generally find a thin veneer of junk science on top of a subtext of virulent misandry. At least the Andrea Dworkins of the world were honest about their hatred of men, and don't try to hide it behind some spurious "study."

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These are the most poorly supported conclusions of any study I have ever heard of. The researcher appears to have no comprehension of the difference between evidence and ideology.

This journalism and media academic extrapolates the interviews of a few people, to pass off his own sexist opinions as representative and informative of a very large and diverse population. All this shows is that this academic is desperate for publications, and has provided a click-bait, non-peer reviewed opinion piece for publication as a chapter in a book being edited by a few of his colleagues and fellow ideologues.

The give-away signals that this is trash research are the shallow stereotypes of maleness, masculinity, and gamers, and the hate speech used in the article.

"Technomasculinity" borrows heavily from the common third wave feminist hate speech "toxic masculinity". It's not even an original neologism. Both terms fail to identify any chacteristic or behaviour other than "maleness" and brand this as "toxic". The actual "toxic" behaviours that these terms claim to encompass are always nebulus and require definition through a feminist ideological lens that views all masculinity as patriarchal, anti-female and violent.

In both cases, these terms do not describe what they are claimed to encompass, and in the alternative, literally describe maleness generally as toxic. Neither term is valid or useful in any academic or social sense, unless the intention of the term is to propagate gender hatred.

So here is yet another example of academia and media propagating hate speech passed off as research or news. This really is consistent with the appallingly low quality of liberal journalism, and the habit of academics to pass off male bashing femnist ideology as evidenced based research. What a waste of money.

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Rather "funny", isn't it? When women excel at something equally or surpassing men, we say it's because "Women are just as good as men", or even "Because women are superior to men!" (we see "study" after "study" claiming this bollocks, endlessly). But when men excel at something equally or surpassing women, it's immediately blamed on "sexism", "patriarchy", "Russian bots", the wind or some other hyperbolic conspiracy theory.
We as women do not seem to be able to accept the reality that men can do some things better than we can.
Hmm... and they claim that men have "fragile egos"..?

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