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During the USSR period, the Russians also rushed to increase women in every line of work they could. Modernity translstes largely to labor reduction using energy and machines and inevitably leads to some amt. of unemployment. Modern economies when only half the adult pop'n works still function very well since tech'y replaces labor readily. Rushing the other half of the adult pop'n into the labor market inevitably displaces some no. of those already in it, esp. if the newcomers are being vaunted over those already there.
When the USSR did this, the results were drastic. In a few decades most MDs there were women but in all kinds of professions as well as job categories, men were displaced in droves. To avoid civil unrest, the gov't did as we are now doing: they let many men get on public assistance be it welfare or disability (even if the man was fully capable of working). We are seeing this take hold now here in the US. The tradition of drinking socially took a nasty turn as Russian men began drinking to excess.
Socially, the Russians have far from recovered. The male pop'n in Russia is by and large in bad shape. Men who neither drink nor use drugs are not rare per se, but are noteworthy. Further, as idleness and substance abuse worsened, so did crime. A tough guy subculture took hold. Men in Russia are by and large more ready to settle things via fighting than in most other countries. Russian women are notoriously short on mate options they can stomach.
America, being capitalist, can absorb the causes of this sort of decline more readily, but not indefinitely. The market has trouble adjusting for things like addiction and violence.
Men with little or nothing to do typically don't fare well and are more likely to act anti-socially then men with things to do. Some will show initiative and start businesses, etc. There are men like that in Russia, too. But most will just depair. Despair leads to bad things for everyone, including women. American women need only talk to their Russian counterparts for an idea of what life in a society of marginalized men looks like for them.
While we have complained, warned and theorised about the detrimental effects of third gen feminist gender hatred on our children, the message being sent out by this guy offers a first hand lived experience of this post feminist world "lived in" by millennial men and boys.
Experiencing marginalisation, abandonment, poor educational outcomes, long term unemployment, poverty and demonisation, a large proportion of millennial males are going to be thinking like this guy. At least the thoughtful ones.
A much larger proportion of abandoned millennial males will be influenced by movements that welcome them in as valued and worthwhile people just as they are. And I'm pretty sure we may not like the values and objectives of those movements.
The movements these abandoned males may find attractive are very unlikely to welcome them with the premise that "you are male and therefore toxic and we hate you, but if you grovel, apologise for existing and do everything we say, we can deconstruct you and fix you".
Movements gathering abandoned males together are much more likely to be reactionary and revolutionary, reframing the male attributes viewed as negative in feminist dialogue, as positive masculine attributes.
Post-feminist America is giving birth to an army of abandoned demonised men, an army that knows its hated just for being born male. Good luck reasoning with them.
"Why men rebel" The answer is this: when they have no other option. Men in rebellion are typically violent and political. Men in rebellion overthrow governments and everything leading up to it.
Don't look for it before 2050. It'll start happening between 2050 and 2100. Though the political makeup of the US may be such that the US (as we understand it) no longer exists. By then a new political entity may exist, or new entities, in N. America. How they are organized and under what values they are structured remains to be seen.
But if things keep going as they are, eventually, violent insurrections leading to revolution will occur. Revolution in a modern world is a much harder thing to pull off than it used to be. Technology enables surveillance to a degree never before seen and it will only continue to advance. Organizing revolutionary activities today or tomorrow will be much harder to do than it was, say, in 1775. Nonetheless, some revolutions are spontaneous in nature and hard to know about ahead of time. Example: the overthrow of the USSR's former gov't. Despite the Russian Federation now being run by a former KGB agent, the dominant paradigm of Communism with state ownership of all production means was discarded. While it may have given way to oligarchic, marginally-legal crony capitalism, it did give way.
Bet you over 90% of those that actually took action to overthrow the USSR's gov't were men, too. Men with little choice and few options in life.
Whether it be here in 1776, in Russia in the 1980s, or wherever, revolutions are executed by men with little to lose and much to gain. The more a gov't or society leaves men with little to lose and much to gain by revolting, it is predictable. Question is, will it get THAT bad before something happens? Or will other forces of history come along and take the lead and if so, how? It'll be interesting to watch but I doubt I'll be around to see how it all unfolds.
Permalink Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2018-11-17 19:53
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"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand
Russia did this too
During the USSR period, the Russians also rushed to increase women in every line of work they could. Modernity translstes largely to labor reduction using energy and machines and inevitably leads to some amt. of unemployment. Modern economies when only half the adult pop'n works still function very well since tech'y replaces labor readily. Rushing the other half of the adult pop'n into the labor market inevitably displaces some no. of those already in it, esp. if the newcomers are being vaunted over those already there.
When the USSR did this, the results were drastic. In a few decades most MDs there were women but in all kinds of professions as well as job categories, men were displaced in droves. To avoid civil unrest, the gov't did as we are now doing: they let many men get on public assistance be it welfare or disability (even if the man was fully capable of working). We are seeing this take hold now here in the US. The tradition of drinking socially took a nasty turn as Russian men began drinking to excess.
Socially, the Russians have far from recovered. The male pop'n in Russia is by and large in bad shape. Men who neither drink nor use drugs are not rare per se, but are noteworthy. Further, as idleness and substance abuse worsened, so did crime. A tough guy subculture took hold. Men in Russia are by and large more ready to settle things via fighting than in most other countries. Russian women are notoriously short on mate options they can stomach.
America, being capitalist, can absorb the causes of this sort of decline more readily, but not indefinitely. The market has trouble adjusting for things like addiction and violence.
Men with little or nothing to do typically don't fare well and are more likely to act anti-socially then men with things to do. Some will show initiative and start businesses, etc. There are men like that in Russia, too. But most will just depair. Despair leads to bad things for everyone, including women. American women need only talk to their Russian counterparts for an idea of what life in a society of marginalized men looks like for them.
The millennial masculine experience
While we have complained, warned and theorised about the detrimental effects of third gen feminist gender hatred on our children, the message being sent out by this guy offers a first hand lived experience of this post feminist world "lived in" by millennial men and boys.
Experiencing marginalisation, abandonment, poor educational outcomes, long term unemployment, poverty and demonisation, a large proportion of millennial males are going to be thinking like this guy. At least the thoughtful ones.
A much larger proportion of abandoned millennial males will be influenced by movements that welcome them in as valued and worthwhile people just as they are. And I'm pretty sure we may not like the values and objectives of those movements.
The movements these abandoned males may find attractive are very unlikely to welcome them with the premise that "you are male and therefore toxic and we hate you, but if you grovel, apologise for existing and do everything we say, we can deconstruct you and fix you".
Movements gathering abandoned males together are much more likely to be reactionary and revolutionary, reframing the male attributes viewed as negative in feminist dialogue, as positive masculine attributes.
Post-feminist America is giving birth to an army of abandoned demonised men, an army that knows its hated just for being born male. Good luck reasoning with them.
"Why men rebel" The answer is this: when they have no other option. Men in rebellion are typically violent and political. Men in rebellion overthrow governments and everything leading up to it.
Don't look for it before 2050. It'll start happening between 2050 and 2100. Though the political makeup of the US may be such that the US (as we understand it) no longer exists. By then a new political entity may exist, or new entities, in N. America. How they are organized and under what values they are structured remains to be seen.
But if things keep going as they are, eventually, violent insurrections leading to revolution will occur. Revolution in a modern world is a much harder thing to pull off than it used to be. Technology enables surveillance to a degree never before seen and it will only continue to advance. Organizing revolutionary activities today or tomorrow will be much harder to do than it was, say, in 1775. Nonetheless, some revolutions are spontaneous in nature and hard to know about ahead of time. Example: the overthrow of the USSR's former gov't. Despite the Russian Federation now being run by a former KGB agent, the dominant paradigm of Communism with state ownership of all production means was discarded. While it may have given way to oligarchic, marginally-legal crony capitalism, it did give way.
Bet you over 90% of those that actually took action to overthrow the USSR's gov't were men, too. Men with little choice and few options in life.
Whether it be here in 1776, in Russia in the 1980s, or wherever, revolutions are executed by men with little to lose and much to gain. The more a gov't or society leaves men with little to lose and much to gain by revolting, it is predictable. Question is, will it get THAT bad before something happens? Or will other forces of history come along and take the lead and if so, how? It'll be interesting to watch but I doubt I'll be around to see how it all unfolds.