Why campus sex ed training is anti-men and why I am a men’s rights activist
Article here. Excerpt:
'While a student at American University, I was required to take an online sex education course that focused on consent. I was taught that women can change their mind about consent the day after an encounter, effectively leaving women with the ability to rewrite history and accuse sexual partners of inappropriate behavior despite receiving consent.
Feminists think misandry isn’t real, but campus culture shows otherwise. Modern day “feminism” is pervading on college campuses and is perpetuating an irrational fear of hookup culture, all while vilifying men. What I was taught by my college’s online sex ed course provides a foreshadowing of a sad reality: misandry in the 21st century. This misandry will surely trickle into other aspects of life, like workplace culture and our daily interactions with each other.
I never thought I would be sex-shamed, for not having it, but then I was required by my university to take the “Campus Clarity: Think about it ” program. It asks questions that probe into students’ sexual pasts and poses a myriad of hypothetical situations where, apparently, there is only one right way to handle it. The program opened my eyes to a whole new world — a world of rescinding your previously given consent and how to take legal action against men.'
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Bang McDonald's chicks
I mean, shit. Bang a college girl who was screaming Oh God Yes Fuck Me for 30 mins. straight while you did so and the next day she can claim she was in fact unwilling all because the people next door gave her shit for keeping them up with her screams of ecstacy and she's embarrassed about it.
College guys: Fuck McDonald's chicks. Avoid co-eds. Jesus.
Before and after 3rd wave feminism
Reminds me of those "Before and After Meth" pics I see on Facebook from time to time. Before: Lovely young woman with beautiful smile. After: Stinking lousy junkie whore. And so it goes.