Incivility at Work: Is 'Queen Bee Syndrome' Getting Worse?

Article here. Tangential to MRM issues. It's a stereotype-buster. The notion that workplaces are made hostile for women by men seems a bit misplaced after reading this. But it is just one study. Excerpt:

'The phenomenon of women discriminating against other women in the workplace — particularly as they rise in seniority — has long been documented as the "queen bee syndrome." As women have increased their ranks in the workplace, most will admit to experiencing rude behavior and incivility.

Who is at fault for dishing out these mildly deviant behaviors? Has the syndrome grown more pervasive?

"Studies show women report more incivility experiences overall than men, but we wanted to find out who was targeting women with rude remarks," said Allison Gabriel, assistant professor of management and organizations in the University of Arizona's Eller College of Management. 

Gabriel and her co-authors set out to answer that question across three studies. Men and women who were employed full time answered questions about the incivility they experienced at work during the last month. The questions were about co-workers who put them down or were condescending, made demeaning or derogatory remarks, ignored them in a meeting or addressed them in unprofessional terms. Each set of questions was answered twice, once for male co-workers and once for female co-workers.'

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After working in female dominated work places for more than 30 years, I can verify that women are just as petty, vindictive, and as sexually or racially bias as men.
Listening to women talk about their husbands, their cheating on their husbands, their sons, other men they work with and life generally, I've heard more crude sexist, demeaning language than I've ever heard from men anywhere, at any time.

But what really stands out in this study is the unapologetic, unchallenged and deeply entrenched sexist academic culture that has corrupted our social sciences.

"The researchers also found that when men acted assertive and warm — in general, not considered the norm for male behavior — they reported lower incivility from their male counterparts. This suggests men actually get a social credit for partially deviating from their gender stereotypes, a benefit that women are not afforded. — they reported lower incivility from their male counterparts. This suggests men actually get a social credit for partially deviating from their gender stereotypes, a benefit that women are not afforded."


That men acting warmly was considered not normal, that men not conforming to the "toxic masculinity" stereotype was considered unusual, that these socalled academics publish their works in international social science academic journals while including such a blatant and unchallenged sexist bias against men, that they only view men through the narrow, shallow lens of feminist gender hatred, that is disgusting.

This is so consistent with social researchers adopting the terminology of toxic masculinity. Whats really toxic is academic bias couched in gender hatred. These are the people shaping the syllabus used to nurture our youngest and most vulnerable girls and boys? No wonder boys are failing in record numbers and rebelling against society!

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