Swedish Students Forced to Write Essays on 'White Male Privilege'
Article here. Excerpt:
'Apart from programming and mathematics, students who choose computer engineering as their major at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) also have to expect a compulsory course named "Program Cohesion," which includes a seminar and an essay on minorities and equal treatment, the Nyheter Idag news outlet reported.
To participate in the seminars, students are required to read articles "revealing the hetero norm" at Swedish institutions and on the #Metoo campaign against sexual harassment, as well as watch a film about being black in the Nordic country.
In addition to Implicit Association Test to reveal one's subconscious prejudice, first-year students are required to write an essay of 500-900 words reflecting on the benefits of being (or at least being perceived as) male and heterosexual, growing up in Sweden and having a Nordic or generally Western appearance, according to the curriculum on the university webpage.'
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What, are ALL the comp. engr. students...
... white, male, AND straight??
You mean to tell me that every man-jack of them are as white as sheets and straight as arrows? Not a single girl among them? Or anything slightly shaded in skin tone?
And NOT ONE among them has EVER sucked a cock before?
You mean to tell me all this?
I don't believe it.