UK: Labour faces backlash for telling straight white men they cannot attend equality conference

Article here. Excerpt:

'Young Labour's Equalities Conference was billed as a "one-day event" for disabled, LGBT, women and black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) members, according to an invitation sent to members.

However white heterosexual men are not listed as eligible to apply to attend the gathering, set to take place on March 17 in central London.

Labour denied the event is discriminatory because it is being held so that the attending groups can elect equalities representatives for the youth faction's National Committee.'

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If standing up against segregation and discrimination based on indellible characteristics is a backlash, then I guess a good portion of the civil rights movement era of the 1950s and 60s was nothing but a great big ongoing backlash.

Someone please sign me up for the next scheduled backlash.

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