Teacher Jailed for Sex with Student

"Judge ignores plea bargain and sentences teacher to jail for sex with student."

I get the impression from this video that society is starting to get fed-up with female teachers preying on male students and receiving little or no consequences for their behaviors!

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It appears Fox News blocks direct linking to their videos, so, here's a link to Fox News:

Fox News

It's entitled "Crime and Punishment" under the 24/7 videos section by Hannity & Colmes. You need to scroll down a page or so.

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...but mostly because they actually invited Ann Bremner to comment. She's a feminist defense attorney and Court TV regular if you ever want to witness her vitriol first hand.

The sentence may be fair and the judge is obviously a smart man - her sentence will be finished before she even gets an appeal so she'll serve her sentence even if the judge gets overturned on appeal.

But no one has charged her with showing this video of herself doing a strip tease for her female students? This is obviously a very disturbed person who should not be in a teaching profession. Teaching girls to seduce boys while seducing their potential boyfriends herself. And Miss Bremner had the audacity to say "...women aren't predatory"

Sounds like a natural born sexual predator to me. Woman are the worlds most sophisticated sexual predators. Sure, she didn't prey on him for the sex, she did it for the ego boost. Either way, he was a toy that she played with for her own gain. Whether its about sex of about ego (yes females egos are AT LEAST as large as men's egos) proving to themselves that they still got it it still leaves the victims used and bewildered.

Oh, and just for interests sake, male 'rapists' use physical violence in less then 5% of cases according to studies. I wonder how we think males are predators and females are not when neither sex resorts to physical violence to get what they want very often. But both men and women use threats of either violence or social ostracism of the victim at about equal rates. However, both men and women use rewards like special privileges, alcohol, and drugs more often then anything else. They seduce the victim because that way they are less likely to get reported because the victim feels guilty because they enjoyed getting whatever the rewards were and they may feel guilty also for doing things like drugs when they know they shouldn't.

Both men and women use the same techniques - but only men get labeled 'predator'

We need to ditch that label because the only men who qualify for it in what our imaginations make that term out to be are also more then qualified for other equally bad labels like child killer, or central park (or other local where they operated) rapist etc...

Very few rapes involve violence. We need to start treating them that way because men and women who are not violent are also much more likely to be successfully treatable so they should not be written off by society.

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