Australia: Exodus of male teachers profession due in part to fear of being wrongly painted as sexual predators, NT Estimates hearing told

Article here. Excerpt:

'AN exodus of male teachers from the profession is due in part to a fear of being wrongly painted as a sexual predator, an Estimates hearing has heard.

Education Minister Eva Lawler said the royal commission into child sex abuse had heightened those anxieties.

Male teachers were sometimes wary of being alone in classrooms with children, she said.

Mr Lawler made the remarks in response to a question from independent Member for Blain Terry Mills about the dwindling number of men teaching in the Territory.

Ms Lawler said 22.6 per cent of NT teachers were men, with most working in high schools.

She said teaching also suffered from an image problem.'

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The problem's not with its image. Its image is accurate. It pays badly given the work: babysit a bunch of socially immature brats, risk your freedom by being responsible for them, have your right of self-defense removed so if one of the little shits attacks you all you can do is run away like a sissy, and deal with asshole parents who defend the actions of their little snot-nosed badly-raised punk-ass kids. Also risk arrest upon accusation of any misconduct ESPECIALLY if you are male, destruction of reputation, earning capacity, etc.

Fuck that. I'd rather flip burgers.

Soon android teachers will replace human ones anyway. Then the little bastards can molest and fuck the androids all they want, too, and it'll be perfectly legal.

Well, it will. Just sayin'.

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