Weinstein Co. bidder Maria Contreras-Sweet, former Obama official, wants all-female board

Article here. Excerpt:

'Maria Contreras-Sweet has a revolutionary idea for the Weinstein Company: No more men.

Contreras-Sweet, who ran the small Business Administration for President Barack Obama from 2014 to 2017, has submitted the first official bid for the production company, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Her offer includes keeping all 157 employees currently on the payroll, but cutting out Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein’s brother.

One major aspect of her pitch would be an all-female board, unlike the company’s former setup.

In a letter, Contreras-Sweet said she has been “profoundly affected by the recent revelations” and that she believes “reorganizing the Company as a woman-led venture will be an inspiration to the industry, and a new model for how an entertainment company can be both financially successful and treat all its employees with dignity and respect," according to the Wall Street Journal.'

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Given HW has been such a scum-bag, I can't blame her. But the target really, I think, ought to be a 50/50 M/F split if she's going to be focused on the gender make-up of the Board.

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