KCAL 9 News Promotes Prison Rape, Vigilante Beatings

Posted for Marc A.:
In this news video of the mugging of a 101-year-old woman, KCAL 9 News Los Angeles (CBS) reads and displays two letters from viewers, one of which calls for the guy to receive "prison justice" (rape), and the other hopes the guy is "beaten."

I sympathize and feel the anger too. But it is extremely irresponsible of KCAL 9 News to promote prison rape and vigilante beatings. If a seemingly homeless/destitute woman beat and mugged a 101-year-old man, fixing the victim's collar in between blows, would KCAL 9 News read and display letters calling for her to be raped and beaten? Or, instead, would their reaction include speculation about the woman's mental state? I sent KCAL 9 News (CBS) an email at kcbstvnews-at-cbs.com.

Their website has a feedback page at http://cbs2.com/contact.


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Isn't it odd that the same people who act like they are repulsed by sexual crimes and want the punishment to be equal to at least that for international espionage are the same one's who simply squeal with delight at the fanciful thought of some sexual deviate being anally raped in the prison shower? And as the usual fantasy goes, it is done by some 300 lbs. psychotic black con which seems to add a special delight to their revenge fantasy.

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Society feels that the only way to make a male stop mis-behaving is to inflict severe pain and suffering upon him. Men cannot be taught by usual means so deviant behavior must be tortured out of them.

Of course this approach which has been loved for all time has never in any period of human history ever worked, but that hasn't stopped us from promoting it.

Plus we just like revenge justice when we're talking about male criminals. To bad revenge has never and will never solve any problem.

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