Study shows half of women surveyed resisted condom use
Article here. Excerpt:
'There's been much public health research about the millions of excuses men come up with to avoid condom use. However, new research suggests that heterosexual women are also culpable of promoting this risky bedroom behavior.
A study published in the October issue of The Journal of Sex Research on 235 heterosexual women finds roughly half of women took some sort of action to avoid condom use with a partner. The study is based on self-reported questionnaires from women aged 18 to 21 and used an adapted version of the Condom Use Resistance Survey initially developed to study men’s behaviors and beliefs about unprotected sex. The revised questionnaire asked female participants about their sexual history and condom use since age 14.
The researchers found roughly half of women in the study engaged in unprotected sex. Nearly 40 percent of women who fell into this group said they downplayed the risks with their male partners, while 33 percent said they used “seduction tactics,” which the authors described as getting a man sexually aroused enough that he gave into her request for unprotected sex. Roughly 3 percent of women in the study avoided condom use through manipulation, such as withholding sex or actually destroying the condom.'
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Condoms suck
Condoms are useful for stopping the spread of STDs and reducing unwanted pregnancies. Too bad they suck though.
A lot of women find them irritating. Is it any wonder why? Naturally a lot will try to avoid using them. Another big dissuader is simply this: for a lot of women, feeling the semen spurt into the uterus is a HUGE turn-on. It triggers orgasms in a fairly large number of women. So naturally they don't want to avoid that happening.
Why would it come as any surprise?
Still, unless you know and trust someone pretty well, playing safer is better. Just not nearly as much fun for either party.
Male contraception frightens feminists
The condom has been the only non-surgical effective contraception for men for more than half a century. We all know how great sex is with the rubber interface. Why is there no male equivalent of the pill?
Well its a bit harder to work contraception for men, and there have been a few good alternatives, but none have made it past the research stage. Why? One recent example might explain why.
Researchers recently found intramuscular injections of norethisterone enanthate in combination with testosterone were very effective at stopping male sperm doing the job. As effective as the female estrogen pill. Most men in the trial and their partners were very happy with the results. But this recent successful trial was terminated early by a safety committee for no apparent reason.
The decision to suspend the trial was very unusual given the Data Safety and Monitoring Committee (DSMC) established by the sponsors gave the trial an "all clear" a few weeks earlier. All the adverse events reported were minor and known prior to the trial commencing and were included in the consent forms and participant information documents, and more than 80% of continuing participants were happy to continue with the method of contraception. So what went wrong?
It was the WHO Research Project Review Panel (RP2), dominated by third wave feminist academics that stopped the trial. One can only wonder why.
The official reason was that the potential benefit was less than the potential harm of continuing the trial. Given the very low risks and burden of the adverse events reported, one can only assume that the RP2 panel saw very little potential benefit likely to be gained from a male contraceptive.
I guess this one comes down to a gendered assessment of what is important and what is not in family planning. WHO clearly still clings to the extreme sexist view that family planning is only about empowering women. It appears the idea of men having access to effective convenient contraception frightens these poor fems.
Similarly, getting research funding for the research of a male contraceptive is also next to impossible, as female academics on panels awarding research grants do not see any value in giving up control of reproduction to their male partners.
For most women this is most likely not a feminist imperative. After all, feminism takes a back seat at the white wedding and stays dormant until after the second or third child starts school, when the traditional provider and protector role of men is nolonger useful.
Reproductive rights for men begins with controlling when they will father a child, excluding abstinence. Up to now, that power has been entirely in the hands on women. A convenient effective male contraceptive will revolutionise reproductive politics.
Suspending that trial was a feminist coup. By getting feminists onto committees that review contraceptives, the effort gets tied up by those feminists unless it favors women in terms of picking when they get pregnant.
The human overpopulation problem would be much more effectively addressed by allowing men to avoid paternity via contraception. Feminists are down with ZPG insofar as no sacrifice of any form of power by women is entailed.
You're better off banging sex-bots.
Do you guys have any
Do you guys have any supporting evidence that feminists are behind the halting of the trials? or that World Health Organization (WHO) is dominated by third wave feminists or of that "feminist committees" reviewed contraceptives?
Both in my anecdotal life experiences and my attempt to find factual data, I have never found females to be against male birth control, aside from the "i wouldn't trust them" argument, I have found every female, including myself, to be highly enthusiastic about the prospect. This includes my friends, acquaintance and people I hardly know, or who's comments I read on the internet or feminist writings - a mix of females from traditional to liberal and different backgrounds. So I am trying to figure out why MRA's have a different perspective.
And I am finding that feminist magazine articles (like Cosmo) were very critical of the trials being halted and they insist men are the ones who dont want male birth control.
From the academic article link above: "most regimens tested to date are based on impractical weekly or biweekly [self] injections of testosterone enanthate, as injection-free approaches, such as oral or transdermal testosterone application, were not successful"
Supporting evidence
Fair questions Kris, but I'm not sure what kind of evidence you are referring to. Most sociopolitical groups are fluid and members are even more fluid with no paper trail. If you doubt feminist domination of WHO in family and reproductive health care, just check out their recent policy documents online. Play spot the man! Wont take long. Then the only reference to males I could find was in relation to circumcison as a means of stopping men giving women STIs.
If still not convinced, look into equity in health care on WHO. Its all about women even tho men have worse health outcomes in just about every country.
As for your references, just read the trial report. More than 80% of men and their partners in the trial were happy to continue using the injectable form regardless, as a long term contraception. Facts over opinions.
Kris, read your own references. They don't support your doubts. One refers to an 8 year old study, and the other agrees with my views more than yours. The WHO RP2 stopped the study.
Kris, you are asking reasonanle questions but you have to stop believing feminist doctrine as fact and get out of the echo chamber of similar thinkers. MRA has one too.
Stop reading cosmo and gender political articles and start asking men what they think. Stop swallowing the myths. Like men don't care about their health, but spend more than a billion dollars a year on health and fitness. Like men are reluctant to seek help, when research shows that when there are appropriately designed services they can not keep up with demand. Like men can't multitask, really!
Its the same old feminist dialogue Kris. Opinions of feminists or apologists blaming everthing on men and flawed masculinity, on the basis femimist theory.
How's this one Kris, how many mens health clinics are there in Australia? Excluding the erectile dysfunction scams its a very small number Kris. ZERO.
Then search Australian university sites for International Mens Day (focused on reducing male suicide) and International Womens Day. Note the difference. Then search for University of York and IMD. Pretend the roles were reversed. You sound switch on Kris. Think.
The way you said that WHO is
The way you said that WHO is comprised of "third-wave feminists" led me to believe you had some way of knowing exactly what strain of feminists they are. And Matt says that feminists make up committees which review contraceptives, yet I have never heard of these committees, so I am just asking if they really exists.
The reason I am interested in the MRA perspective on this topic is because I had always thought it was common knowledge that women would love men to have their own birth control. From the time I was a young teen and sex, pregnancy and birth control was a topic among friends, I remember girls saying things like "wouldn't it be great if men had birth control?" and now that I spend my time among married moms who have had all the children they want, I still hear things like "I wish my husband would get a vasectomy" to "I cant wait until they invent a male pill"....Yet MRA's are saying women are the ones who don't want male birth control. Each group is blaming the other for the slow progress.
Although magazines like Cosmo should not be used as a news source, they do echo the voice of feminists, I would think that if feminist were AGAINST men getting birth control Cosmo and similar mags would write about it, yet I see just the opposite. In the article I linked, it references Cosmo's article which implies the study on male birth control was halted because men couldn't handle the side effects (it was a snarky jab at men), you see because feminist believe it is men who don't want male birth control.
As per my google searches, I have come across several studies that occurred from 2001 to 2016 and in USA and United Kingdom. I think it was the latest 2016 USA study involving 320 participants that was halted as mentioned in this article and I believe this is the study you have been referring to(link below). Feminists are blaming men for the halt and MRA's are blaming feminists. The official reason given was risks outweigh the benefits or side effects. It mentions 75% of men being satisfied, but the 25% who suffered side effects seems concerning to me as 20 had such severe side effects they dropped out, also, 4 pregnancies out of 266 participants were reported during the study.