Girls Who Code founder: Men build technologies to 'replace their mothers'
Article here. What a misandrist. Excerpt:
'Reshma Saujani is not a coder but she's empowering "an army of young women" to take on tech's gender gap through her nonprofit Girls Who Code.
"I think that this is an opportunity we have to give every single one of our children," Saujani says in a new episode of CNN's Boss Files with Poppy Harlow. "I think the problem is right now, culturally, images that we see are very male. We have to be thoughtful and think about how can we open the door."
Through Girls Who Code, Saujani is helping to bridge the opportunity gap for young girls through after-school and summer immersion programs. Since 2012, the organization has grown from serving 20 girls in New York to nearly 40,000 girls across the U.S.
In a statement that Saujani admits is controversial, she argues that empathy tends to be "uniquely female" and is the primary difference between the problems boys and girls choose to solve with the technologies they create.'
Note: Recommend viewing the linked article on a smart phone. I tried 3 major browsers on a desktop computer and all of them got hung up loading the linked page. Don't know why.
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Lead by example?
She doesn't write code but is urging others to do so? Sort of like the televangilist who preaches fidelity but is the next day caught in a brothel by a TV news crew.
The fastest way women who are trying to get more women into IT/tech generally is for them to do it themselves. If all the women who want to see more women go into tech actually did so, there'd be 2 female code-slingers for every male one, probably more.
Colleges and companies, in an effort to look/be more progressive/inclusive/etc., fairly beat the bushes looking for women who code, even women moderately interested in it. Indeed, the number of women in CSC (ie, computer science) and IT programs in colleges has increased a bit over the past 10 years. But not that much. Seems the number of women evangelizing women going into tech has increased though by orders of magnitude.
There have been several major female contributors to CSC. I've mentioned them here on MANN a couple times. These women focused less on trying to get others to do CSC work but instead, *actually did it themselves*. What an amazing and novel concept! Do it yourself! Wow!
This always cracks me up
This always cracks me up about feminists. They seem to think there are all these other women that they are fighting for, when really there is no battle at all. Everyone can be what they want. Women freely choose less demanding careers and if they have a choice to be the stay at home parent, most do, especially for the first year or two after a child is born.
I have 2 friends who claim to be feminists, and while they are both college educated, highly capable, and married later in life, and are fortunate to have choices, they have each chosen to be stay at home moms when their kids were born, but they are "fighting" for "other women" and are pushing for CEO gender quotas in companies and quotas in other high position jobs. I tell them that if women are to make up 50% of CEO's and high position jobs, then we need more men as stay at home parents and for male CEO's to step down, so women like them can step up. Are they willing to fill these positions or have their husbands step down?.....of course not!! They look at me like they are confused when I make the suggestion. I always ask: Why are they pushing other women to do what they are unwilling to do themselves??? Why not just let the person, male or female, have the position if they want it and earn it?
Thank god this woman, Reshma Saujani, was never voted into office. Even though she is a lawyer, sounds like she has freely chosen to be a stay at home mom since she has married and had children (although her books seem to be selling well). Like most feminists, she believes she is fighting for all those imaginary "other women" who are being "held back" from their desired careers.
If empathy is uniquely female, then why are men far more likely to lay down their lives for the sake of others?
I also resent her comment that men make technologies to replace their mother, citing Uber Eats as an example. Growing up, both my parents did the grocery shopping and cooked. Now that I have a child, it's the same deal. Both me and my ex wife do the cooking (we're still friends and live together).
For someone who acts so progressive, the woman in this article sure is living in the past regarding gender roles.