Facebook Thinks Saying "Men Are Trash" Is Hate Speech

Article here. Excerpt:

'When we reached out to Facebook, we got an answer: The company said that, under its guidelines, the posts fell under the category of hate speech; it would only allow such posts when it had enough context to know it was meant as humor, or was being used self-referentially. So it’s pretty clear: Facebook considers the phrase “men are trash” hate speech.
More to the point: “men are trash” is not hate speech. Largely, men who act offended by things like “men are trash” or “white people suck” are doing it to make a point, not because they really are offended; they seem to think being offended by a slur is a fun activity they’re being left out of.

But I’m sorry, dudes: that just isn’t how it works. “Men are trash” is simply not the same thing as sexist attacks on women, because you don’t face the systemic oppression that makes sexist slurs so toxic. If you’re a man and someone calls you a stupid trash man, wow, I’m sorry you had a bad day. If someone calls a woman a bitch or a slut, that’s tinged with millennia of oppression.
Facebook acting like these are all the same thing—to put “men are trash” in the same category of speech as slurs—shows that, yet again, it just doesn’t get it.'

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But the author's point seems to be it's okay for women to say bad things about men but not for men to say bad things about women.

So tell me again who is oppressed in that scenario? The women who can say what she pleases or the man whose speech is oppressed?

No, women don't face systemic oppression. They just like to pretend they do so they can deny men rights.

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. . . I find calling men trash to be especially hateful, as men are the gender that is treated as disposable, just like trash.

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