Swedish Woman of the Year Runner-Up Advocates Banning Men from Television

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminist writer and professor of literature Ebba Witt-Brattström, who recently came second in Sweden’s “Woman of the Year 2017”, has advocated getting rid of all men on Swedish television.

Feminist Ebba Witt-Brattström claims there are far too many men on Swedish television and that not only should there be more women on programmes, but men shouldn’t be allowed on TV at all. After coming second in the Swedish woman of the year competition, the writer said she wants a “brilliant culture of women” on Swedish television in an interview with Swedish paper Expressen.

Ms. Witt-Brattström singled out Swedish painter and author Lars Lerin and musician Karl Anders “Kalle” Moraeus saying she would like to see far less of them. “We may as well remove them all,” she said referring to men on television. “We can take them all away and add a brilliant culture of women instead.”'

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All women, no men.

And I wonder: how much feminist whining can even a woman stand? :)

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Then women can enjoy watching only women take hits to the groin, and be physically abused in other ways, and be expected to laugh at it. You know, the same way this happens to male characters, and only male characters, all the time.

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