Feminists Against Due Process
Article here. Excerpt:
'Yesterday Politico reported on the latest attack against Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of education. DeVos and her husband donated $10,000 to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), a nonpartisan organization that defends free speech, religious liberty, and due process on college campuses.
Some people, however, don’t much care for due process — especially when young men are accused of serious offenses like rape or sexual assault. FIRE opposes lawless Obama administration guidelines that mandate low burdens of proof for campus sexual-assault tribunals without also mandating proper due-process protections for the accused. In other words, it opposes the amateurish kangaroo courts that pass for “campus justice” in the age of Obama.'
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Proof and civil court
Some have argued that the level of proof mandated by the feds is the same as used in civil court-preponderance of evidence. But in a civil court, both sides are allowed full due process--to present their evidence and cross-examine witnesses. The same cannot be said of campus tribunals, especially with the weight of the government clearly on the side of the accuser.