Feminists: Man Clubs Are Sexist, But Woman Clubs Are Awesome Sauce
Article here. Excerpt:
'Imagine, if you will, the most oppressive, retrograde fictional male executive you can possibly cook up. Perhaps he looks like Don Draper, but with terrible clothes and an impressive gut. Maybe he’s Alec Baldwin in “Glengarry Glen Ross.” If you’re a more winsome, youthful sort, your favorite imaginary oppressor might be the brawny, clueless Gaston from “Beauty in the Beast.”
Whatever form your chosen theoretical corporate bad guy may take, get ready for some shocking news: Odds are, he wouldn’t get the heaps of glowing coverage recently dished out to a hip circle of New York feminists and their new women-only “work and social space.”
“No Boys Allowed: The New Rule of Co-Working Spaces,” declared the title of a BloombergBusinessweek profile on January 4. Here’s the lead: “It’s 11 a.m. on a recent Friday, and 29-year-old Audrey Gelman—public-relations powerhouse, former Hillary Clinton press aide, longtime friend of Lena Dunham’s—is sitting on a pink couch at the Wing, the co-working space and social club she co-founded this October in New York.”
“Taking up space can be a profound act in a society where men have the power and the prestige,” The Wing’s website says, apparently unaware it is already becoming slightly insufferable. “At The Wing, all the rules are written by women.” One of those rules, in case you’re wondering, is that there are no books written by men, at least not in the club’s library. (You’ll be heartened to learn that Maureen Dowd’s masterpiece “Are Men Necessary?” pluckily makes an appearance.)'
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Don't mind single-sex groups
I don't mind single-sex groups, as long as both sexes (or even multiple genders) are both allowed to have single-sex groups. Women only. Fine. Men only. Fine.
But we all know women's group will raise bloody hell if men establish a men-only group.
For feminists, "gender equity" means giving women special rights and treatment.