University declares ’emotional manipulation’ to be rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'A private Massachusetts university considers coercion to be a form of rape, according to its website.

A part of Clark University’s guide for sexual survivors, “A Definition of Rape, Sexual Assault and Related Terms,” breaks down consent, sexual abuse, stranger rape and heterosexism, among other things.

Coercion, as defined by the university, “is considered rape/sexual assault.”

“Coercion is the use of emotional manipulation to persuade someone to something they may not want to do — like being sexual or performing sexual acts,” the college’s website states.

“Being coerced into having sex or performing sexual acts is not consenting to having sex and is considered rape/sexual assault,” it continues.'

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coercion (Webster pocket dict.) : force; compel.

compel (ditto): force.

redefining words to meet your needs. smells alinskish to me. btw, nowhere did I find anything resembling 'like being sexual or performing sexual acts' as being part of the def. here they are equating coercion as being 'emotional manipulation'. so logically, through emotional manipulation men are exerting a measurable and quite damaging 'force' on our poor pitiful princesses.

I don't get it. women are always saying men are stupid; however, now we are being credited w/ mental powers reaching the level of an actual force we can use to seduce innocent and unsuspecting women.

is this like a new superpower only men have? I wish.

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... a female says something like "If you don't have sex with me, I'll f*** all your friends." Been known to happen.

Or how about "If you don't propose to me, I'm breaking up with you." Happens a lot more.

That second doesn't fit their def'n of coercion maybe because the subject isn't sex but "only" marriage.

Yes, and we all know, to quote Henry Blake from M*A*S*H, "Marriage has nothing to do with sex."

Why not just write a student handbook chapter that explicitly states: "Any time and for any reason, a female student may submit the name of a male student to the Office of Student Affairs and that male student will be suspended or expelled, depending on how the Dean of Students is feeling that day." It'd amount to pretty much the same thing as all this other stuff.

Guys, two words: Men's colleges. Seriously.

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What about a woman who says "I'm on the pill, you don't need to use a condom" even though she is not on the pill and hopes to trap the man into marriage or simply become a single mother?

Wouldn't that be "emotional coercion"?

According to this university, it would be. So the woman is guilty of rape.

But not to worry, she'll still get her money.

Men are the only victims who have to pay their rapists.

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... appealing of course to the "best interests of the child" that says even if a woman lied about her taking the pill or not, it doesn't matter. If there is a baby and a man is either the actual father or what I call the "inflicted father" (ie, declared the father by a court), the father is "the obligor" toward the mother, ostensibly so she can spend the money on the kid. Oh sure, he can try for joint custody but it'll be a long shot to get primary residence, and whoever has that gets the child support checks. And we know who is likely to get primary residence, don't we?

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Sadly this is what happens when hate speech is the dominant course of study in the female chauvinist studies (aka women's or gender studies). When such hate filled groups as this are dominating university campuses it's not surprising that rules as stupid as these come into force. The Nazis did the same thing. Feminists are no different from the Nazis. This has been proven time and time again. So sad to see so many Nazis running around university campuses railing against that which they have no understanding or grasp of the truth. Female chauvinism is alive and well and it's crap like this (idiotic definitions) which are a huge part of the problem. The second problem is believing anything coming out of a woman's mouth, but one thing at a time.

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