‘No-Shave November’ Now Under Attack
Article here. Excerpt:
'For about a decade, men across the globe have forgone shaving in November to raise awareness about men’s health issues, from prostate cancer to male suicide.
The tradition had a good run, but now, suddenly, No-Shave November (also known as Movember) is apparently problematic.
Social-justice warriors worldwide have rushed to point out how the month-long event, regardless of its good intentions, is too gendered. In a nearly unintelligible sentence published by Sydney’s Daily Telegraph this month, one critic wrote: “It’s disappointing that what could’ve served as a much-needed dialogue about the many ways in which men, trans men included, can express their masculinity without resorting to chauvinist caricatures is in danger of devolving into at best a pissing contest between bros about who can grow the most facial hair to prove their manliness and at worst an implicit endorsement of 1950s-style gender norms, complete with transphobia.”'
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Oh, brother!
“It’s disappointing that what could’ve served as a much-needed dialogue about the many ways in which men, trans men included, can express their masculinity without resorting to chauvinist caricatures. . ."
Translation: It's disappointing that men's health issues are being addressed rather than them receiving a condescending lecture about how they need to change.
Seriously, SJWs can stuff it. Women have breast cancer awareness month, and we have our month. It's funny how it seems everyone loses their crap whenever men get to have anything specifically devoted to them, even when it's needed, and even when women have their own equivalent.
'It's funny how it seems everyone loses their crap whenever men get to have anything specifically devoted to them, even when it's needed, and even when women have their own equivalent.'
Yep. Nymphotropism at work.
Definition from Wiktionary, a free dictionary
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Nymphotropism is a relatively new English word that is used to refer to a collection of attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and biases found in human societies towards favoring the claims, needs, sympathies, and wants of women, even in the face of irrefutable evidence that such consideration is not warranted or just.
The word first appeared in an essay entitled Perils of nymphotropism by CJ Virag* published June 25, 2008. Since that time its use in the place of such words as "chivalry" or "womanfirstism" has increased.
*Not correct. Author is named Virag R Dhulia.
Not surprisingly, Wiktionary got around to removing it at some point.