Feminist PhD Candidate: Science Is Sexist Because It’s Not Subjective

Article here. To be fair, this is feminist larva here, and the product of our "modern" academy. Her elders in the sisterhood may find her work as ludicrous as we do. Still, these younger people, feminist or not, are the future, for right or wrong. God help the future. Excerpt:

'College science classes are hostile to women and minorities because they use the scientific method, which assumes people can find reliable truths about the natural world through careful and sustained experimentation, concludes a recent dissertation by a doctoral candidate at the University of North Dakota.

Laura Parson, a student in the university’s education department, reviewed eight science class syllabi at a “Midwest public university” and said she discovered in them a hidden hostility to women and minorities:

"Initial exploration of the STEM syllabi in this study did not reveal overt references to gender, such as through the use of gendered pronouns. However, upon deeper review, language used in the syllabi reflects institutionalized STEM teaching practices and views about knowledge that are inherently discriminatory to women and minorities by promoting a view of knowledge as static and unchanging, a view of teaching that promotes the idea of a passive student, and by promoting a chilly climate that marginalizes women."'

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'concludes a recent dissertation by a doctoral candidate at the University of North Dakota.'

should read

concludes a recent dissertation by an 'affirmative action enabled and pampered pos' doctoral candidate at the University of North Dakota.

maybe some in your face truth would help the poor, poor pitiful females and minorities. nothing else seems to do any good. excuse after excuse after excuse ....

if you can't make it in the stems maybe its just because you don't have it.
they want to dumb down and ultimately screw up the stems like they have done everything else they have attempted and failed at. maybe science will someday create a working brain for them.

and kissing their butts obviously doesn't help them either.

if I were President Elect Trump I would investigate the strange and untimely death of a certain ussc member. he was just about to cast the decisive vote to eliminate the abomination of affirmative action. how strange and soo coincidental, eh? like so much else in this whacked out administration.

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On an airplane designed by a feminist.

Her feminist, subjective aerodynamics might not work.

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