"Toxic masculinity and us"

Article here. Excerpt:

'There is an obvious lethal combination: easy access to guns, obvious hatred and extreme views and mental health issues. There are troublesome questions lurking beneath the surface. What has happened to these young men who are entering what is supposed to be the prime of their lives? Did people close to them miss the warning signs? Are these murderous incidents reflective of cultural, political, or socio-economic cross currents? And does our country accept and tolerate more mass shootings because of the relatively easy access to guns with greater killing capacity?

We may never find all the answers as to how to prevent mass murders and very public suicides, but I do believe we need to dig deeper as a community and ask better questions about what is happening and why. Perhaps we can start by looking inward to family and home and see what can be done to improve the health of our communities.

For example, we can ask if young men have positive role models in their lives. Have we made it too hard for men to ask for help? Are we assisting them in developing better coping skills as societal changes relentlessly come? The unmet needs of our returning veterans and other young men, have pushed male suicide rates to epidemic levels.
“I would ask that each and every one of you consider taking a young man and consider being his mentor. The women we so want to support need not just strong women and moms at their sides, but partners in the men they often choose to be with. That young man you take under your wing could make a difference – just as all of you have.”

Bowed and nodding heads validated a collective understanding of what needs to be done for both young women – and men.'

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Despite the sop to Kimmel, the article makes valid points. And I am going to say it is not 'toxic masculinity' that is causing some young men to act out in dangerous or undesirable ways but toxic gender-role boxing, wherein boys get raised into a gender-based role that is unfulfilling, impossible to live up to, or both. I think that is the real problem.

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not all shootings are what they appear to be. take the alleged 'sandy hook' school shooting for example:

as we are told to believe, at about 09:35 am on 12-14-12 a 112 lb., 6' tall gamer (w/o any web footprint) stole his mom's 223 semi auto rifle, along w/ 2 handguns and a shotgun, and after blowing a hole in the front window of the school, entered and killed just about everyone he saw. this sickly kid fired w/ an accuracy approaching 97%. the coroner described the wounds as being 'large, gaping holes', from a 223. he was also weighted down w/ about 1/3 his body wt. in guns, w/ plenty of ammo and gear. when cops arrived he had already blown his own brains out w/ one of the handguns, although he supposedly killed all 20 5-6 yo children and 6 adults w/ the 223 s.a. long rifle.

news helicopters were there almost immediately. I watched on my office computer from about 09:45am until lunch, and I never saw any children anywhere near the school. 1/4 mile down the only entrance road at the fire station, there was a full movie set. green screens, governor, news celeb's, porta-potties, light screens telling everyone to sign in, and lots of other strange goings-on. the ambulances were not allowed to respond for over an hour. medevac choppers were not even called. the parents were told by the coroner they would not be allowed to see their dead children. yeah, right.

no pix were ever allowed of the actual crime scene. the whole thing was put off limits to everybody. nobody ever saw any bodies leaving the school, and there has never been a legitimate pic of the evacuation of the 500+ k-4 children and staff. the ones everybody has seen in the press are obvious forgeries and later released, wider frame shots show the children practicing this in warmer weather w/ parents standing on the sidelines holding their stuff and waiting for practice to get over with. NOBODY was allowed near the school for hours. the evac supposedly took place at about 10:05 am, in freezing temps. didn't happen. cop-cams verified and were pulled.

the pix that were available of the school interior showed NO x-mas anywhere, except in one room (afterthought?) and positioned where no children could even see them. every room shown had boxes/junk piled 6-7' high. the very old school was found to be highly contaminated by multiple sources (asbestos, lead, pcb's). it was also immediately torn down and nobody knows where the remains went. no records of the hazmat cleanups (blood, etc.) exist. we do know the demo crews were required to sign non-disclosure agreements prior. the back of the school was filthy, w/ high water marks from hurricane sandy still on the walls, in this rich neighborhood. the computer room was waaay outdated, w/ adult chairs. the parking lot had NO h/c parking as req'd by the a.d.a.(law). ditto for the rest rooms. did I mention that ALL 26 people were immediately (w/in the 1st few minutes) declared dead by the local cops (bubba and billy-bob). that too is illegal. the funerals were all (but one) closed coffins, and people said all that was visible was part of his face. its ok though, he was killed again in an afgan school shooting the following year. same school pix used there as well. the road to the school was completely blocked that cold morn by fire trucks and ambulances. the talk all morning by the teevee reporters was about 'where are all the 500-600 children still in the building?' there were hundreds of people down the only road to the school and NOBODY had the idea of taking pix, or video? none has ever been shown to exist. strange, huh? you have no idea.

I could go on and on w/ what is wrong w/ this fema sponsored hoax. btw, they were having a same scenario drill right down the street. lucky huh? we tried researching the lanza house where adam supposedly killed his mom before going on his famous ride into history, but they immediately tore that down too.

since then hundreds of million$ have been directed toward this small town and its very strange residents. the feds gave the $50 mil for a new school, + much more. very nice. if you want to see what a gov sponsored hoax looks like go to ut - 'sandy hook hoax'. it would be a good place to start. people are waking up to our fraudulent gov. independent investigators have been threatened and people involved have disappeared. one professor at atlantic university was terminated for expressing his disbelief on web sites. he is suing. oh, and after 20 small children were left to die on a cold school floor for over an hour w/o any medical help, the only lawsuit was against Remington by the parents (actors) for making the gun. it was recently dismissed.

I made a list of over 70 things I saw wrong w/ this false flag event, sponsored by our gov to get our guns, among other things. be careful though. once you learn what your government is up to, you can't in-learn it. you will wake up.

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you can't un-learn it.

dam fat fingers.

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