Feminists caught vandalizing Sommers lecture signs

Story here. Excerpt:

'Thursday morning, members of the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter at California State University- Los Angeles (CSULA) caught a pair of disgruntled feminists on camera tearing down flyers advertising the group’s lecture with Christina Hoff Sommers scheduled for Oct. 4.
After being confronted by a CSULA YAF student, the vandal repeatedly insisted the fliers were “offensive.”

One of the feminists claimed removing the fliers was her First Amendment right.

“This is my freedom of speech,” she said.

“So it’s freedom of speech to infringe on our freedom of speech?” the YAF student responded.

He didn’t get an answer.'

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I certainly do not approve of the actions of these women, but I also do not approve of them being labeled in a derogatory sense as progressives. I'm as progressive and liberal as they come and I do not find their actions progressive in any traditional sense of the word. The sort of actions and thought exhibited by these two is quite off the spectrum.

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