Hillary Tells Yet Another Self-Aggrandizing Feminist Lie

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hillary told another whopper today, one of her typical I am a heroic woman who has stood up to bullies my whole life lies.

Speaking to a blog called “Humans of New York” on Thursday, Hillary shared a “rare personal message” – as Politico put it. She claimed that when she took the LSAT during her senior year of college, men taking the test shouted at her, saying her admission to law school could cost them their draft deferments, forcing them to go to Vietnam, where they would die. The moral of the story was that she had to “learn as a young woman to control my emotions.” Brave Hillary!
The problem with this corny story that only stupid 20-year-old girls would believe is: Hillary graduated from Wellesley in 1969. Remember? That’s when she gave that speech insulting the first black senator since Reconstruction. So her senior year began in autumn, 1968. She says she was a senior during this harrowing experience, which is when the LSAT is normally taken. But the LBJ administration ended all graduate school deferments on February 16, 1968, except for medical, dental and divinity students, when Hillary was still a junior in college.'

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Feminists always seem to have some corny narrative to fit their cause. I always think of that Lena Durnam (spelling?), the feminist actress who wrote a book where she claimed to have been raped back in college by a "republican"

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"..And while we’re waiting for the exam to start, a group of men began to yell things like: ‘You don’t need to be here.’ And ‘There’s plenty else you can do.’ It turned into a real ‘pile on,’” she wrote."

How gullible does she think we are?

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