Germany to force women to name biological father of 'cuckoo children'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women in Germany could be forced to reveal the names of the biological fathers of their children under a proposed new law.

The controversial measure will force women to divulge acts of adultery or infidelity during a relationship.

It has already been dubbed the “Cuckoo Kids’ Law” by the German press, after the German phrase for children concieved in adultery, Kuckuckskindern — the equivalent of “milkmen’s kids” in English.

Heiko Maas, the justice minister, said the law, which will be presented to Angela Merkel's cabinet on Wednesday, would make it easier to resolve who was responsible for paying child support.'

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... no law exists. It was only proposed. I doubt very much it'll pass.

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Really, it should already be a law in every United Nation Country because of the "rights of the child" signed during the Geneva convention gave every child the right to an accurate birth certificate. It is a shame it is not enforced.

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See Part 1: Articles 7,8,9,10

Sidenote: the United States has never ratified the Rights of the child, even though the US helped write it and for the most part agrees with it. Homeschoolers fear it would lesson the rights of parents to homeschool.

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