"The Western World’s In Crisis. Bring In The Women."

Article here. Excerpt:

'As political and social turmoil rocks the Western world, we’re increasingly looking to women to clean up the mess ― the U.S., the U.K., Germany, the IMF and the United Nations may all be run by women come January.

At least one woman isn’t the least bit surprised, but she is worried: Are the coming leaders facing down impossible situations? Are we setting up women to fail, discouraging a generation of women from vying for leadership roles?

More than a decade ago, Michelle Ryan, an organizational and social psychologist at the University of Exeter, along with a colleague, coined a term ― the Glass Cliff ― to describe the situation when women, and sometimes minority men, ascend to power during times of organizational decline, crisis and turmoil. It’s the natural corollary of the “glass ceiling,” the invisible barrier women face when trying to make it up the top of the ladder. Those who crack the ceiling, the reasoning goes, step out onto a fragile ledge at the top and face down various crises.'

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... you rush to put person X in charge of solving a really big problem based not on their ability to solve probs. but instead based on their sex or some other indellible characteristic?

Disaster. That is bc the correct qualifications re solving a prob is not the person's physical characteristics but instead their ability to solve the damn problem.

But with so much silliness like this permeating almost every aspect of modern life, you just have to "enjoy the decline" as best you can. Take solace in the fact that by the time most of you reading this are too elderly to take care of yourselves, there'll be an army of artificially intelligent robots created to do all the personal care work no one else wants to do nor may be around to do due to very low birthrates.

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