"In the Face of a Huge Gender Gap with Trump, It's Time for Progressive Men to Get Behind Hillary"
Article here. Excerpt:
'As the election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump shapes up, we continue to see Clinton and the women who are supporting her exiled (with apologies to Liz Phair) in Guyville. As presumptive Democratic nominee Clinton says about this historic election, “This campaign is about making sure there are no ceilings, no limits on any of us and this is our moment to come together.”
Yet, we are not all coming together. Bernie Sanders has not withdrawn, despite Clinton’s securing the delegates to win the nomination. Twenty-two percent of Sanders supporters say they’d rather vote for Trump than Clinton. Male Sanders supporters continue to troll and threaten Clinton supporters and the media covering her.
Clinton’s imminent nomination is a huge step for women and for feminism, and feminism is part of a progressive agenda. But you wouldn’t know it in Guyville, where white men continue their long history of failing to fight for feminist advances. Even among those white men who do support Clinton, there is a pronounced lack of enthusiasm and activism. Hillary seems to be left to be elected by everyone but them.'
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Why would anyone expect ppl to vote against their own...
... best interests? Why expect a man to vote for a feminist? Don't get it.
A man voting for a feminist is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
'no ceilings, no limits'
translation: no ceilings on alimony or c.s. payments, no limits on ebt cards & welfare.
if this is the best candidate women can come up with as the 1st woman to potentially hold the office? but then again, look at what was the best afro-amerikans could muster. I've seen better looking piles of dog chit.
michael obama, the best x-football playing 1st husband ever in the w.h. yeah, even my mom has noticed the 'junk' between his legs in the pix wearing the green dress.
is there anything this bunch won't lie about?