Title IX and College Rape: A Series Of Injustice Part 2

Article here. Excerpt:

'The number of victims on campus continues to rise as not much is actually done about it. There is a pool of knowledge around the topic of Title IX and campus rape, but no one is really providing any actions. Victims of sexual assault are courageously speaking up, the Vice President has provided verbal support for one particular rape victim; yet no one is moving closer to action. No one is even discussing reforming the power to prosecute or not prosecute given to college administrators. The consequences are sexual predators remaining on college campuses, and lives of those who haven’t done anything wrong absolutely destroyed.

Please keep in mind, this series is not to showcase “his word against hers,” this series is not about rape victims, nor is it about other people who pay the price when colleges fail. This series is intended to bring light to a different fact base. Colleges are ruining the futures of young adults through their mandated responsibility, but total lack of ability to adjudicate campus sexual assault cases.'

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Sad, really. But alas, it seems disappointingly accurate. Again, I blame the schools but also the parents. After all, younger ppl are products of their upbringing more than anything else.


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