Why Women Should Support Due Process for Male College Students

Article here. Excerpt:

'As a female college student, the Title IX industrial-complex and the draconian investigation guidelines that it produced is absurd. Men accused of misconduct should have a fair trial, shouldn't they?

Thus, I applaud the former UVA student's lawsuit. Here's why:

The crusade against due process already has produced many victims. There have been at least 140 lawsuits brought against colleges by men who suffered an unfair trial. Amherst College, Swarthmore College, and St. Joseph's University have all settled such suits. No doubt, a costly process for both parties.

Administrators will never be able to never fairly investigate rape and sexual assault allegations. No number of Title IX lawsuits will change that. Colleges have capricious rules of evidence, no subpoenas. No neutral judge, either.

Expulsion from college is no small matter, especially for underprivileged students. Low-income and first-generation students often lack the cultural and financial capital to obtain legal help. Racial minorities, particularly black men, are uniquely susceptible to facing a trial despite lacking legal counsel, and being found guilty in the absence of evidence.

Due process safeguards are not merely a matter of legal justice, but of racial and economic justice as well.'

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There is only one kind of authentic justice: did you or did you not commit a crime? If not proven beyond a reasonable doubt, you walk.

But overall, I like where she's coming from.

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