"Fathers Can’t End Violence In A Day, But There Is No Better Day To Start"

Article here. Excerpt:

'This month, the public expressed justified outrage that a 20-year-old Stanford student received a 6-month sentence for raping an unconscious girl. The most disturbing thing about the light sentence should not be how grossly out of the norm it was, but just the opposite; that it is all too normal. The judge’s June 2 sentence tracked a probation officer’s recommendation that the rapist should get 4-6 months, because — in the department’s view — the perpetrator had been drinking, had not committed other crimes, and had otherwise been an upstanding student-athlete with his whole life ahead of him.
Between the two of us, we have three sons and three daughters, and it’s our responsibility to make sure our boys know that it is never okay to assault a girl, or to look away as another boy does. It’s also our responsibility to make sure our daughters know that it is never okay for them to be assaulted, and that we will have their back if and when they choose to speak out. If a parent, or coach, or mentor, or teacher, or a judge does not know how to start, there is a manual to help: http://teachearly.org'

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... didn't take any opportunity for men to have a nice day and shit all over it with their bullshit stats and propaganda.

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It seems the SJW camp's heads would explode if they let one day pass, let alone Father's day, without using it as an opportunity to spread lies and hatred towards men, and act as though horrific crimes occur because dads don't do enough.

Well, on the bright side of things I had an awesome Father's Day, and I didn't see this article until today, so they failed to ruin my special day for me.

I also love how in the article they don't mention anything about teaching daughters not to assault others too. I forgot, only males are capable of such horrible things, so we have to start treating them and only them as potential criminals at an early age! SMDH

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