Canada: Status of Women committee calls on feds to introduce legislation by next summer
Article here. Excerpt:
'Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has proudly declared he is a feminist, but now his Liberal government is being urged to back up those claims by considering how each of its decisions affects women and girls.
The Status of Women committee is recommending that gender-based analysis -- a tool that helps government study how policy, legislation and program decisions might impact women and men in different ways -- be mandatory across all government departments and agencies.
If the analysis then reveals one gender will experience disproportionately negative impacts, policy-makers have the opportunity to make adjustments or otherwise mitigate those effects.
For example, Fraser said, applying gender-based analysis to the billions in infrastructure spending the Liberal government has promised would show that while the money could lead to a boost in employment, the jobs would be in skilled trades that disproportionately employ men.
"We should be using this information to encourage more women to get involved in the skilled trades, so when the government makes a massive investment in infrastructure, the benefits are shared equally between different genders," he said.'
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I can see where this is headed
Sounds like Title IX in a diff. context. Soon if infrastructure needs work but there aren't an equal no. of female workers avail. to do it, the project'll get canned, like what happens with Title IX. Eventually, roads and bridges will crumble bc of feminist political correctness blocking their repair. Mark my words.
Of Course . . .
. . . disproportionate spending on women, which has been the order of the day for pretty much ever is A-OK! It's even protected by the charter of rights and freedoms! Hypocrisy much?
What's really dumb about the example given--that men hold most the jobs when it comes to building infrastructure--is that women simply tend to not be as interested in jobs like this. So, because of women's lack of interest, men should be punished. It's also dumb because everybody uses infrastructure including women. So, it is always a good investment. Far be it from the government to realize that, especially if it gives a few men the opportunity to earn some money to feed their families. Look's like Matt's prediction might become reality.
Wow. I feel really good about voting against this party last election. Although fat lot of good it did. What's really dumb is how the Liberals only got 39% of the popular vote, yet were awarded roughly twice as many seats as the conservatives, who received 31% of the popular vote. I guess many of the seats were close victories. Needless to say, there is much wrong with Canadian politics.