"Rape culture is a man problem. Why aren’t more men speaking up?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I’m not suggesting that women give up the fight. But I realize now that no woman can change how little our lives matter in this system. It’s up to the men who created that system — and who don’t see all rape as real and “legitimate” — to create a better system. Women are most at risk from men, and particularly the men they know and love. Men should be appalled by their complicity in a legal system that revictimizes their sisters, mothers and daughters. Men should be lining up in the streets to protest a system that prioritizes their futures over our lives.
Rape culture hasn’t changed because most men don’t want it to. Like Turner, men benefit from the presumption of their innocence. When rape culture tells men that violating an unconscious woman’s body is just another part of college life, it excuses them from those questionable moments in their own college memories. It whispers in their ear that those times she was too drunk, or said no, or tried to back away weren’t rape or sexual assault. Rape culture manufactures gray areas where none existed and hands the power to determine what constitutes rape to the perpetrators rather than the victims.'

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... foreswear your right to be presumed innocent.

By all means, go ahead.

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Asking more men to speak up about the rape problem is like asking more blacks to speak up about the black problem.

When one accuses an entire group of people of being guilty, it should come as no surprise when the members of that group don't always agree. And those who do come across as Uncle Toms.

Frankly, about the only "rape culture" is see in this country is called "Hillary and Bill."

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