Blocked entrance, shouting matches, apathetic cops and angry women at Milo’s UCLA stop

Article here. Excerpt:

'A horde of student protesters crowded in front of UCLA’s Broad Art Center on Tuesday to prevent hundreds of Milo Yiannopoulos fans from entering the venue and hearing the conservative-gay firebrand speak.
Although many guests had lined up hours before the event’s start, police officers manning security did not appear to attempt to disperse the eclectic crowd of student protesters blockading the main entrance so guests waiting could go inside.

Asked to move, protesters simply said “no.”

Meanwhile, shouting matches ensued between the hundreds waiting in line and the 75 or so protesters lining the entrance and flanking the building.'

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the femturds called in a bomb hoax and ended this event. such good little marxists.

1. ends justify means and 2. shut down free speech.

that's 2 blocks checked.

hitlery says lie, lie and lie some more.

that makes 3.

meanwhile, unrest grows is a dozen socialist countries where food and other daily staples are in short supply, as usual. and chinese prof's want more marxism taught is the universities. meanwhile barry the forger goes duhdudhuduhdudu.

a world gone mad, MAD I say!

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