App for young boys aims to prevent domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'A concept for an app aimed at engaging boys aged 10 to 15 to teach them respectful relationships with girls has been developed by a QUT social marketing expert as "another part of the jigsaw" to prevent domestic violence against women.

The app, however, never mentions the words "domestic violence" or "violence against women," says social marketing expert Professor Rebekah Russell-Bennett from QUT Business School's School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations, who developed the concept with Logan-based (Brisbane) non-profit community organisation YFS.

"Interventions at this stage of life can change young people's personal and relationship trajectories, preventing problems in adulthood," Professor Russell-Bennett said.

"However, we are careful to steer clear of using the words 'domestic violence' anywhere in the app because, at that age, many young boys would not find it relevant. This may deter them from downloading and using the app.

"Instead the app focuses on what they do want to know: about how to talk to girls, dating, having respectful relationships and supporting their friends, in order to promote health relationships among young people and positive male attitudes.'

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... the other half of the DV equation is left out: female perps. Where's the app for girls to teach them not to be violent?

One thing such an app may do is tell boys that hitting, etc. is not normal rel'p behavior. Maybe when some of the boys start getting whacked around by a girlfriend/wife later, they'll know there's nothing normal about that. Just it'd be nice if such things could be avoided in the first place.

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