"Activists Combatting Sexual Assault Make Strides as Semester Concludes"
Article here. Excerpt:
'It has been three weeks since 19 women protesting sexual assault disrupted the April 29th Board of Trustees meeting. In the time since, significant progress has been made in resolving the three demands they posed at the meeting. These included the creation of additional positions to combat issues of sexual violence, and the cancellation of off-campus fraternity trips.
The group of activists are now working under the name the Vigilante Feminists. They have met with President Murray twice, spoken with Greek leaders, and have held open meetings with students to brainstorm ideas for a new Gender & Sexuality Coordinator position. Though the semester is winding down, Vigilante Feminist leaders are encouraged by the progress they have made.
“We’ve gotten President Murray’s attention and we’ve established credibility,” said senior Katy Wills, who spearheaded the protest. “But we still have a long way to go.”'
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This is what...
... capitulating to crazies looks like. Ignominious, craven, self-defeating.
Giving in to SJWs/feminists is its own reward; that reward is self-defeat. Telling these loonies to go fly a kite is, however, self-rewarding. Many are ready to take your self-determination and joie de vie away so you can be as miserable as they are. After all, misery loves company. And people as notoriously miserable as feminists love the company, even as they're screaming at it.
Feminism in a nutshell
" And people as notoriously miserable as feminists love the company, even as they're screaming at it."
That's feminism. Screaming at you and then acting the victim when you don't like it.