"As a Black Woman, I Think ‘White Male’ Bashing is Dangerous"
Article here. Excerpt:
'This phenomenon — white male bashing — seems to be on the rise. Forty years since the end of the civil rights movement, concepts of race and ethnicity have evolved, our attitudes have shifted: it’s no longer acceptable to make jokes about women, mental ability or fatness. No gay jokes, no black jokes. The only demographic that has escaped this trend — being the only “non-minority” group, and therefore de facto oppressor in Western society — and for whom it’s okay to spit on if you’d like is the straight, able white man.
Nowadays, we see countless examples of white folks (mostly male) being degraded on television and in commercials, or being told to “shut up” in online conversations simply because they’re white. The Daily Show host Trevor Noah has made it its credo: take a social issue, throw in a couple of knowing jabs at racial clichés, finish on a joke about white people. The whole thing often comes across as deliberate race-baiting. Recently, he even managed to take a story about Google’s robotics division and shoehorn the words “fuck white people, imma right?”'
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Good article, but she missed...
... the most important reason why white male bashing is bad: it's just plain wrong. It's race- and sex-based bigotry and it's mean. And when I say "mean," I don't just mean "not nice". I also mean it in its more classic sense: base, classless, and just plain badly advised. It's a lot of things, none of them good.
Know any white male basher bigots? Kick them to the curb and out of your life. No reason to put up with such nastiness. And any virtues such a person might have are completely negated by their ugly bigotries.
Some comedians make a living via racist and sexist bigotry. I don't watch them once they reveal themselves. Some of what they say may be funny but their bigotedness counters that part of them. So rather than expose myself to them, I choose to give my attention to other things. I have no time to sit/stand around and be insulted by some ignorant fool.