White Men Should Stop Running For Office, Colorado Group Says

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new political action committee has one question for straight white men with political aspirations.

"Dude, can you not?"

It's a question embedded in the name of the organization. The Can You Not PAC plans to discourage straight white men from running for office in Colorado's diverse districts. The hope is that will clear the lane from female, minority and LGBTQ candidates.

Democratic activists Jack Teter and Kyle Huelsman registered the organization last month. So far they've raised $120 from six donations.
But some progressive activists aren't laughing.

"I always take the approach that it would be better to be pro- something rather than anti-something," says Halisi Vinson, president of Colorado Black Women For Political Action. "It appears they are taking a negative approach and that's never the way to create a movement."

Huelsman admitted they've gotten pushback from white males who are eyeing a future in politics. But he called that a "positive first step" of starting conversations about privilege.'

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Progressivism paints itself as an ideology seeking to broaden participation in politics and increase opportunities for all. That's the stated intent. Or at least it has been. Instead, it's morphed into the opposite. It's like how each year the Newspeak dictionary gets thinner, not thicker, all while BB's party claims to want more ideas out there in the world.

So-called progressivism has turned into a vehicle for deterring political participation and attempting to limit it only to those with "the right ideas", or in this case, "the right skin colors/gender".

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