Prediction: No commencement speaker will mention this – the huge ‘gender college degree gap’ favoring women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Now that we’re at the beginning of college graduation season, I thought it would be a good time to show the updated chart above of the huge college degree gap by gender for the upcoming College Class of 2016 (data here). Based on Department of Education estimates, women will earn a disproportionate share of college degrees at every level of higher education in 2016 for the eleventh straight year. Overall, women in the Class of 2016 will earn 139 college degrees at all levels for every 100 men, and there will be a 610,000 college degree gap in favor of women for this year’s college graduates (2.195 million total degrees for women vs. 1.585 million total degrees for men). By level of degree, women will earn: a) 154 associate’s degrees for every 100 men (female majority in every year since 1978), b) 135 bachelor’s degrees for every 100 men (female majority since 1982), 139 master’s degrees for every 100 men (female majority since 1987) and 106 doctoral degrees for every 100 men (female majority since 2006).

Over the next decade, the gender disparity for college degrees is expected to increase according to Department of Education forecasts, so that by 2025, women will earn 147 college degrees for every 100 degrees earned by men, with especially huge gender imbalances in favor of women for associate’s degrees (170 women for every 100 men) and master’s degrees (145 women for every 100 men).'

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ThomasI - Mon, 2016-05-02 11:13

There are other issues at stake here.

First, many of these schools are diploma mills with worthless degrees.
Next, many US schools will be bankrupt in a few years.
In other cases, men are choosing NOT to go for a degree.
This is not necessarily a bad thing.
Especially when we realize that MIT, GTech, CalTech are so male dominated.

The issue is: there will be a huge shortage of plumbers and electricians.
Also, many men join the military and come back with full medical and retirement benefits.

Finally, what no one expected: SOFTWARE robots will replace jobs long before hardware robots do. This means that in the future economy, it will be the women's jobs in jeopardy (it is already happening -- and if you google it, women are going bankrupt at incredible rates) not the one's men pursue. Not to mention that once nurses can prescribe medicine, the MD is dead (but not the surgical and specialist degrees that men go for). Oh, and with case law as the foundation of our legal system, along with CPU memory, the field of law is on the brink.

Until then, while I myself love the focus of math, I have absolute and profound respect for my brothers who work in the shipyards (I take my students there to SEE engineering), electricians/plumbers (when they come to work on my house, I pay them well and love talking with them -- sometimes I even envy them for getting down with the shit for it is real physical work ---- and what I pay them).

I think we must be vigilant and cautious about this degree issue. And more concerned when the feminists find out that THEIR degrees are worthless. For if we get more men into degree-mills, fewer men will become plumbers, and that is not so good.

I think we MUST have this information at the forefront for my greater fear is that once the feminists see the train wreck coming for women, they will get incensed that their plans for "the end of men" backfired; and will just start taxing testicles. I have no doubt they will try that. If you don't believe it, just wait until this summer when GhostBusters fails: they will blame men.

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