Transgender Marijuana Farmer: Cis Males ‘Don’t Show The Plant Respect’

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s 2016, folks. Why are white heterosexual cis men still allowed to grow weed? I mean, come on.

That’s just a few steps away from the opinion of Zooey Zachrow, a male-to-female transgender and marijuana farmer discovered by Mitchell Sunderland of Vice. Zachrow told Sunderland that cisgender men who ran weed dispensaries “didn’t treat the plant with respect” — hence the decision to start her own business.

“[Weed] saved my life,” she says. “I absolutely wouldn’t have survived the years [after the army] without cannabis.” Because of her religious upbringing, she feared telling her mom about her new friend. One day, she sat her mom down to tell her she was coming out of the “cannabis closet.” Zachow says her mom started crying. “Whatever you’re doing, it works,” Zachow recalls her mom saying. She had seen pot calm Zachow, and she was happy she had found something to help treat the PTSD.

Weed also helped Zachow go through her gender and sexual awakening. “Cannabis is a countercultural thing,” she says. First, she came out as bisexual. She struggled to afford cannabis, so she started volunteering at dispensaries to get the drug for free. But she hated the “cis white men” who ran the businesses. “They didn’t show the plant respect,” she says.'

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... how deep and in any context the bigotry against men runs. Even the most marginal of opportunities isn't exempt.

If I knew this person personally, I would "unfriend" them. I have no room in my life for such bigots, transgendered or not.

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While we're at it, why not take the whole cis/trans thing even futher? I was at a wild animal park earlier this week and got to see lions and tigers and other animals. There was this nice tiger in a cage panting and looking at me. I think it wanted to be friends. Well, it would have been fun to tell the animal park that I wanted to identify as a tiger just for the afternoon, and then I'd ask to be let in the cage to pet the nice tiger. Another day I might go to Sea World and identify as a dolphin for the day so I could jump in the dolphin pool and swim with them. Heck, I could later fly to South Africa and identify as a lion and run around the Serengeti with my own pride. I'd be the trans-lion of Transvaal! To deny me my requests would be discrimination, after all. And I'm sure the animals wouldn't hurt me.

Or would making such requests be unreasonable and even dangerous? As well as absurd?

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Oh, and at the wild animal park there was this safari you could go on where those who went were given leaves to feed the giraffes and look at the zebras, etc. The young woman driver/guide repeatedly made demeaning remarks about men and the male animals (projecting them onto human males). For example, at the beginning she pointed out an enclosure where "naughty animals" were put, going on to say that's where "naughty children" and "naughty husbands" could be put as well. Then she pointed out that the females of some species (I forget which) cost the park $100,000 each while the males are only worth $30,000 and said "sorry guys, but with one female we can get many more animals while the male "contribution" can be Fedexed to the park". As if one can extrapolate that to the worth of human males.

I didn't complain, but maybe I should.

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