Sen. Kristen Gillibrand: "I’m making everything a woman’s issue"

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'Sen. Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY) told Politico’s Glenn Thrush that the debate over gun control should be reframed as a “women’s issue” and that “nothing in this debate has to do with the Second Amendment rights.”

“This debate is relegated to the men. It’s about hunting? It has nothing to do with hunting,” she said on Thrush’s Off Message podcast released Monday. “Nothing in this debate has to do with hunting, and nothing in this debate has to do with the Second Amendment rights. Nothing. … I think — I see the world in the lens of women’s issues. I’m making everything a woman’s issue. I want guns to be a woman’s issue.”

Gillibrand is supporting Hillary Clinton, who has been hitting Bernie Sanders for his record on guns. Sanders, she said, “doesn’t have the sensitivity he needs to the horror that is happening in these families. I just don’t think he’s fully getting how horrible it is for these families [affected by gun violence.]”

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Here are 30 similarities between modern feminism and 'early' Nazism. Feminism and Nazism have both ...
discriminated against individuals on the basis of their genetic code.
promoted the view that the targeted group was inferior genetically and behaviorally, e.g. see biologist Professor Steve Jones Men Bear a Striking Resemblance to Slugs. (Toxic Masculinity) (Men are defective women) etc.

promoted propaganda that led to the targeted group being labelled as 'parasites', e.g. see Professor Steven Jones - ALL Men Are Parasites, "All men are Rapists", "All men are abusers", "All men are Pedophiles", etc. (In Nazi Germany, the Jews were compared similarly to parasites and sewer rats).

promoted propaganda that led to the targeted group being constantly ridiculed e.g. see What A Piece Of Shit Is Man promoted propaganda that led to the targeted group being laughed at even when murdered or mutilated e.g. Castration jokes; e.g. see What A Piece Of Shit Is Man.

demonized the target group by labeling them as "misogynists", "perverts", "born-rapists", "pedophiles" and "sexual criminals", "abusers", "Toxic-Masculinity" e.g. see Home Office Rape Statistics Are False

sought to break the target group away from their families e.g. see The Trojan Horses Of Feminism. (This is done, of course by utilizing the courts, which, by design favor females, while discriminating brutally against men).

promoted the view that the targeted group was responsible for most (if not all) of the major ills in society. e.g. see Do Not Respect Them
disseminated lies and disinformation about the targeted group in order to further promote their own ideology, e.g. see Msinformation by Professor Christina Hoff Sommers.

disseminated lies and disinformation about historical matters, e.g. see AH's Did Women Really Want To Go Out To Work? (The notion that women have been historically oppressed by men, and treated as "Chattel", despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary).

used intimidation, threats and coercion to prevent their opponents from speaking out e.g. see Feminists are nasty things. (going to the U.N. to silence dissenters on the internet, etc. Also physically attacking men and Men's Rights Supporters, at Men's issues and rights conferences)

promoted the lie that the privileged group consisted of innocent 'victims' of the targeted group e.g. "women have been oppressed throughout history." e.g. see Dr Lewis Wolpert: The Differences Between Men and Women

demanded special privileges in the workplace for members of the privileged group e.g. preferential job placements for women (and now the "Gender-Wage-Gap" myth, that has been proven, false, conclusively, countless times.)

discriminated against the targeted group in educational matters and in the workplace e.g. see Well Done the Girls? perverted the justice system so that members of the targeted group were easily discriminated against in the law e.g. in family courts; e.g. see Are Our Family Court Judges Fit To Be Judges?

arranged matters so that accusers from the privileged group could be shielded by anonymity in the courtroom e.g. in sex-assault cases.

arranged matters so that defendants from the targeted group had to 'prove' their innocence e.g. in sex-assault and domestic violence cases; e.g. see Kevin Driscoll Is Innocent Of Rape

arranged matters so that members of the privileged group could capriciously define what, legally, was to be deemed 'a crime', e.g. where nowadays the 'feelings' of women rather than the behaviors of men are the determinants of what constitutes 'a crime' e.g. see The Real Goal Of Feminism by Antonia Feitz .

arranged matters so that members of the privileged group could capriciously define how the law was to view certain matters e.g. a fetus inside a woman can now be deemed by her - at her whim - to be a worthless piece of tissue or a prospective baby - with all the ramifications of this - regardless of how the father might feel about it all.

arranged matters so that the law punished members of the targeted group more severely than members of the privileged group for the very same crime e.g. in domestic violence and murder cases. "Manspreading", etc.

arranged matters so that members of the targeted group were made responsible for the choices and behaviors of members of the privileged group e.g. in paternity fraud cases where duped fathers still have to pay child support e.g. under age male rape-victims are forced to pay child support, if his assailant becomes pregnant. see Paternity Fraud - A terrible violation, but no punishment.

arranged matters so that members of the privileged group who harmed, or even murdered, members of the targeted group were shown undue leniency - and were often actually applauded for their actions. (e.g. when a woman severs a man's penis, it is seen as "humorous". But if a man were to genitally mutilate a woman, it is seen as a "horrific crime".)

arranged matters so that the law punished members of the targeted group severely for even trivial offences - e.g. domestic violence, sexual harassment, "Manspreading", etc.

arranged matters so that members of the privileged group earned a right to the property of members of the targeted group for no other reason than that they were members of the privileged group e.g. alimony, child custody.

arranged matters so that certain speech or attitudes directed against the privileged group were criminalized e.g. "Political-Correctness", biased 'hate speech' laws. (For example a man can lose tenure at University, or lose his job, and have his career and even his life ruined, just for making a simple joke about a woman, or women in general. But women are free to say whatever awful things about men, with impunity, and never suffer the same repercussions.)

punished those who protested against the prevailing ideology; e.g. for being "politically-incorrect", "Misogynist", etc.

effectively controlled the mainstream media and the academic institutions and arranged for them to present a dishonest and dishonorable point of view in support of their ideology; e.g. see BBC Injects Political Correctness Even Into Science Programmes

consistently highlighted and exaggerated the achievements and the suffering of the privileged group while downplaying the achievements and the suffering of the targeted group e.g. see Oxford Ladies Ignoring men's issues, such as the epidemic of male suicides (80% to 85%)

ignoring male child circumcision, ignoring men's lack of reproductive rights, ignoring the court system which is brutally biased in favor of females, etc.
ran government-funded educational courses in universities (e.g. Women's Studies, Title IX) and in schools to promote the privileged group at the expense of the targeted group. And now, the "Rape-Culture" hysteria on college campuses, where men are presumed *guilty* until proven *guilty!*

persisted in a long term campaign of hatred toward the targeted group, e.g. "A women needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." "Men think about sex every 15 seconds." Hashtag *"#KillAllMen"*, and *MALE TEARS* mugs Talk of genocide against men (rather Naziesque, talk, right there, in and of itself) and constant hate speech directed at men, in general.

Bar the heavy violence and the gas chambers - which came towards the end of the Nazis hold on power - feminism and early Nazism are surely very similar indeed.

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Demonize, silence, and criminalize men.

Saying "men have all the power" is what Hitler said about Jews. It's a classic use of propaganda to justify treating men badly.

Feminists have been doing this so long that everyone has become used to it.

Can we change it? I don't know. I suspect the system may have to collapse before anything seriously changes.

I'm still of the opinion men and women are here to help each other, not fight with each other. The feminists think differently.

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