Women-only car services fill niche, but legal?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ride-hailing companies catering exclusively to women are cropping up and raising thorny legal questions, namely: Are they discriminatory?

In Massachusetts, Chariot for Women is promising to launch a service featuring female drivers picking up only women and children. Drivers will even have to say a “safe word” before a ride starts.

Michael Pelletz, a former Uber driver, said he started the company with his wife, Kelly, in response to instances of drivers for ride-hailing services charged with assaulting female passengers.

He believes their business plan is legal, and he’s prepared to make his case in court, if it comes to that. The couple had planned an April 19 launch but now say they’re pushing it back to the summer to make sure their app can handle demand they say has exceeded expectations.

“We believe that giving women and their loved ones peace of mind is not only a public policy imperative but serves an essential social interest,” Pelletz said. “Our service is intended to protect these fundamental liberties.”'

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I think that this idea is completely illegal. Is it legal for a racist taxi driver to refuse fares to nonwhite individuals? The racist taxi driver could make the same argument - that they are afraid of said group. They wouldn't have a leg to stand on in court. The criminal actions of a minute fraction of a population does not give anyone the right to discriminate against the whole of said population.

I know it's not right, but sometimes I wish that businesses would be launched by men for men only, just so that women could see what it feels like to be maligned and stereotyped in this fashion, and to be treated like some sort of potential criminal. i.e. Perhaps it's time for taxi services that refuse to pick up women, so that the drivers can do their job without fear of false accusations.

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"I wish that businesses would be launched by men for men only, just so that women could see what it feels like to be maligned and stereotyped"

It would not be hard for someone to create an anonymous web site and advertise taxis only for white men.

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