Obama to designate a national monument in D.C. to honor women’s equality Tuesday

Story here. Excerpt:

'President Obama will pay homage to women's equality Tuesday, designating the Sewall-Belmont House and Museum, a historic house in the District that has housed the National Woman's Party since 1929, as a national monument.

The site, to be named the Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument, honors both Alva Belmont, the National Woman's Party benefactor, and Alice Paul, who founded the party and served as its chief strategist. Obama will deliver remarks at the house, which served as the party's fifth headquarters and is on Capitol Hill, on Equal Pay Day, an annual commemoration that aims to highlight economic disparities between men and women. The date marks how many extra days a woman would have to work to make as much as a typical man would have made in the previous calendar year.'

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This is going to be a MUST SEE for anyone in DC.

Last time we were there, past summer, it was White House, Capitol, Smithsonian, Lincoln Memorial, Great Lawn, Viet Nam Memorial, Jefferson, Arlington,Changing of the Guard... so much to do, so much to see.

We were confused each day what to do.

But gee golly whiz, if we knew about The Sewall-Belmont House and Museum, we would have simplified our trip and spent all the time there.

You betcha'

I can only imagine how long the lines will be.

In fact, I'm gonna inquire as to tickets now for our return trip in five years.

You betcha'

(On the other hand, do the feminists even realize how insulting it is that all their contributions to this country are wrapped up in a pathetic little house no one gives two fucks about, as we spend all our time on the steps of Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson et. al.)

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