Here’s Exactly How The Military Could Lower Standards For Women In Combat
Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2016-03-28 04:18
Article here. Excerpt:
'Since Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced in December that all combat positions must open up to women across the services, military officials have insisted standards for mental and physical fitness will not lower to accommodate women, but countless experts and former military servicemembers consider all such promises to be little more than empty words.
Here’s exactly how a shift in standards in the infantry and elite special operations could happen.
Back on January 24, 2013, during a Pentagon news conference, then-Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, planted the seeds for a future downward trajectory in standards. His revealing statement has become known as the “Dempsey Rule.”'
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They're already setting quotas because I suspect they won't get enough women otherwise. And with quotas they will have to lower the standards because women can't pass the current standards.
And men in the services will be treated as second-class because sexual assault is such a big problem in the military. Or so we're told, anyway. So men will taught to put aside their "unconscious biases"--their own common sense, in other words--so women can serve in combat if they choose. I suspect this will harm morale--men will no longer be treated heroes serving their country but as "potential rapists," a problem to be solved, while women will be treated as brave for even making the effort. Special snowflakes, you know.
no worries
when our military gets too weak to defend us because of this quota childishness, and our enemies inevitably overwhelm us, ALL women who want to live in a free country will have a chance to show how quickly they can become hardened combat soldiers. stupidity like this crushes real troop moral.
of course having a c&c who treats our military like so much dog chit on his shoe doesn't help moral either. I don't see how it couldn't get much lower.