Woman used rubber penis to pretend to be a man to lure girls into sex

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman has been jailed for over three years after she admitted to tricking girls into having sex using a rubber penis.

Jennifer Staines, 23, groomed her victims online under the name Jason Spiller saying she was looking for love.

She even went on holiday with the girls and one relationship lasted for more than a year, convincing entire families that she was a man.

She wouldn’t let her victims – aged between 12 and 17 – touch her body and used condoms on the rubber penis. One of the girls went to her doctor believing she might be pregnant and so convincing was her deceit that one of her victims still struggles to believe she was in a relationship with a woman, not a man.'

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So, she's 23 and her vics are between 12 (yes, that's *12*) and 17.

Entire families were convinced she was a he.

Pardon me but what kind of "family" lets their 12-YO girl "date" a 23-YO man?

Just sayin'.

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look at her pics. I think she was convincing families she was a 13-15 year old boy. Sadly there are many parents that do not watch their children as well as they should, and some parents believe all sexual activity is natural and there should not be any attempt to "control" their daughters sexual activity. (I see this attitude with extreme feminists and extreme atheists)

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