Task Force Proposes Harvard Expel Students Who Join All-Male Clubs

Article here. Excerpt:

'A task force charged with examining sexual assault at Harvard University is recommending that the school bar students from joining its all-male final clubs, blaming the single-sex organizations for perpetuating a “harmful sexual culture” on campus.

The task force argued in a new report that the all-male organizations, which have no formal relationship with the university, should be forced to accept women in order to fix the problem of sexual assault on Harvard’s campus. The report, published this week, followed attempts by the Harvard administration to compel the all-male final clubs to accept women, an effort that the Washington Free Beacon previously reported has angered graduate members of the organizations and made current student members fear for their reputations.

The report from the Harvard Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Assault was accompanied by several appendices, including one from the task force’s so-called “outreach and communications subcommittee” that presented a set of “ideas” for the administration to deal with the final clubs. One of the proposals suggested that the school threaten students with expulsion if they join an all-male final club.

“Either don’t allow simultaneous membership in final clubs and college enrollment; or allow clubs to transition to all-gender inclusion with equal gender membership and leadership,” the subcommittee wrote. The latter would involve the administration “provisionally register[ing] all-gender clubs for monitoring” and “requir[ing] they have ongoing sexual assault education and assigned sober bystanders at social events.”
“Cultures that reflect male control and exclusivity encourage the marginalization of women and assumptions about sexual entitlement. Inclusive membership would necessarily shift that culture at the same time that it would affirm fundamental principles of equity,” the report concluded. The task force encouraged the administration to work with the final clubs to accept women and, if such conversations should fail, “not rule out any alternative approaches.”'

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This is unconstitutional.

I'm quite sure the right to associate is protected by the constitution (or the bill or rights). The University are being real dictators here. (emphasis on the first syllable of dictators)

Are they planning on dismantling all study clubs lacking one member of every possible group of people? If they did that, there would be no study clubs.

I suggest that if the University continues to harass the all male finals club, the students should sue the University for harassment. I'm pretty sure they would win.

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