The Telegraph: "Seven things women are definitely better at than men"

This article appears in the men's lifestyle section:

1. Multitasking
2. Job interviews
3. Driving
4. Empathising
5. Running successful businesses
6. Coding
7. Not being ill

In contrast, check out the seven things men are definitely better at than women. (written by a man)

1. Drinking
2. Going bald
3. Getting ready
4. Going to the toilet standing up
5. Shopping
6. Making it to the end of the street without being ogled
7. Ageing

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... not whining, math, science, engineering, and building and maintaining civilizations.

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I believe Thomas Alva Edison said that he spent all day working on one thing while most men spent their days working on several different things. He claimed that was one reason he was successful at being an inventor. And his inventions changed the world--but he didn't do it through multitasking. He did it through focusing on one thing at a time.

As to driving, women generally have fewer accidents overall. But if you drill down in the data, you discover that men have fewer accidents per mile driven. Women drive fewer miles but have more accidents per mile; men drive more miles but have fewer accidents per mile. Men are also more likely to drive commercially, as in driving an 18-wheeler. Truck driving today is called "logistics," which means delivering goods "just in time," so warehousing is minimized. This puts pressure on the driver to get the goods there on time and to start ignoring his needs for rest. And if you've ever taken a truck over a mountain pass, you know it's inherently dangerous. That's why they have runaway truck lanes on mountain passes. But if you've got get a load to San Fran on time, you take the mountain pass.

Women, on the other hand, usually drive more locally and under less stressful conditions. They rarely drive under the pressure of being somewhere at a specific time.

And successful businesses? I guess Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, and Bill Gates never existed.

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I think the words you're looking for are "conveniently omitted".

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