"Finally, An App That Splits The Bill So That White Men Pay More"

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to the Institute of Women's Policy Research, women in America won't be paid as much as men for the same work for another 100 or so years. But thanks to a new app, we can even the playing field soon. That is, when we go out to eat.

The app, called Equitable, is designed to split group restaurant bills based on gender and racial wage gaps. So if you're a white man brunching with a black woman and a Latina, be prepared to pay a little extra for that avocado toast. Hey, it's not our fault! It's the patriarchy.

According to the app's website, "EquiTable helps you avoid the entrenched discrimination that exists in our society. It doesn't split the bill equally -- it splits it equitably. You pay what you should to balance out the wage gap."

The app uses Bureau of Labor Statistics data in order to calculate who should pay what at the end of dinner or brunch, ensuring that those with less privilege (anyone whose not white and male, basically) pay less to eat.

It's funny, but it's also kind of brilliant.'

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... would set off an alarm every time a woman expected a man to pay for her dinner, etc. Now THAT'd be a reeeaallyyy useful app!

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an app to let guys know when to nod (or verbally agree) w/ his mate when he is supposed to, and suggestions as to what to do in any given situation.

or how about an app that let's him know when he has said something 'inappropriate', or sexist, or just plain un-feminist.

or maybe one to remind him of her special days, like the day he first _______ (whatever).

I see great potential here ($$$).

ex: big stevie gets caught going fishing instead of working.

app says: tell her you were thinking of having an affair, but you love her too much, so you went fishing instead.

what did you expect? you get what you pay for.

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Getting women to to pay something would actually be an improvement for men, since women rarely pay on dates.

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