Gang rape charges dropped in New York after accuser recants

Article here. Excerpt:

'New York City authorities are dropping sexual assault charges against five teenagers after their accuser recanted her story.

The woman initially told police she was gang raped at gunpoint in a Brooklyn park on 7 January.

Police arrested five teens, but parts of the woman's story began to come under scrutiny as more details emerged.

Her father was said to have been chased off by the suspects, but it took him nearly 30 minutes to alert police.

The teenagers said the encounter was consensual. They told police when they entered the park they saw the woman and her father engaged in a sex act.

Prosecutor Kenneth Thompson said the 18-year-old woman provided "multiple inconsistent accounts" when detectives questioned her.'

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It's like something you'd expect to see in ancient Pompeii, the "anything goes" capital of old Rome.

Father and daughter go "dogging" together with each other in mind. Some teenage boys come across them and she says "join in boys, the more the merrier!" and they do. The girl claims rape in order to avoid moral judgment when the cops come along and interrupt their random public indecency session.

This is how HIV gets spread, among other ways, of course.


Call me old-fashioned but I do think a custom monogrammed souvenir barf bucket is warranted.

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This story is sick, and I doubt we know the whole truth.

Even though the girl is currently adult and the sex during the night in question may have been consensual, does not mean that abuse did not occur earlier which groomed her to be a sexual object. 18 year old girls do not just suddenly start having sex in public with their fathers and normal fathers do not oblige.

I think the night in question smells like maybe prostitution was occurring (did the boys maybe fail to pay?) or maybe the boys were set up for extortion or blackmail by the father and/or daughter.

Whatever happened is not normal. Beyond that night, I think you will likely find the daughter is a victim of childhood abuse, childhood sexual abuse and probably drug abuse. We probably have a multi-generation of abuse (abuse does tend to repeat). Fathers do not normally supply their 18 year old daughters with alcohol, have sex with them or watch while other guys have sex with daughter.

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"I think you will likely find the daughter is a victim of childhood abuse, childhood sexual abuse and probably drug abuse."

Agreed. It doesn't excuse the false allegations but it does explain them. I have no doubt that this girl was raised to go for things like this. Who needs to be investigated and maybe face charges? The dad, in this case. And also I wonder where the hell is mom in all this? Is there even one around and if not, where'd she go?

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From the Washington Post:

How she came to have sex with her own father, unleashing a torrid and tragic series of events, is, in part, a story of the failings of the American foster-care system.

She and her father had been separated for much of her life, officials told the Times. He lost custody of her when she was 2-years-old, as did her mother, who was a drug user.

The woman lived in California with a foster family, then in a series of group homes and facilities, developing emotional problems along the way, officials told the newspaper.

By the time the woman turned 18, her mother had died. She learned her biological father’s identity and tracked him down on Facebook, coming to New York City last summer to meet him.


*another article said that when police were able to interview the daughter alone, she indicated she would not cooperate in any investigation or charges against her dad, saying that she "doesn't do court"

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