Court to hear whether women should register for draft

Story here. Excerpt:

'The White House announced Friday that it will consider making women eligible for the draft, one day after the Pentagon’s historic decision to allow women in all combat roles.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said officials at the Pentagon are deliberating on the change and will work with Congress on the review on the selective service law.

On Thursday, Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced that all military jobs will be opened to women, including the most dangerous combat posts.

The outcome of a federal lawsuit challenging male-only registration also could play a role in determining whether women will be required to register for the draft. The case, National Coalition for Men vs. the Selective Service System, will be considered Tuesday by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Pasadena, Calif.

But Carter said the lawsuit won’t stop the Pentagon from moving forward.'

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I think both genders should have to sign up . I doubt we will ever have a draft, for the past 50 years we have had plenty of volunteer soldiers. Actually, a draft list seems kind of redundant to me, because of mandatory birth certificates and social security numbers, I think the government should already know who's between the ages of 18 -35.

Where I differ with some of the MRM is the role women will play and how to respect and accommodate the biological differences while preserving high military standards. Winning a war is far more important to me than being fair or achieving gender balance (assuming a war is worth fighting and our lives and freedom are at stake). Women are not men. IMO, there is no way women can have the same roles and the same numbers on the front lines without lowering the ability to win at war.

I have outlined all my concerns in previous threads on this topic in greater detail. Basically women's bodies menstruate, gestate and lactate. I don't think any women should have to chemically or surgically alter her body to avoid shame for not serving in the same capacity that men serve. And lets not forget, we also need healthy children; otherwise our enemies will outbreed us and come back again with their next generation of soldiers which would certainly outnumber our next generation if our women are not allowed to give birth.

IMO, if we got to the point where we ran out of volunteer soldiers and had unwilling soldiers (which has it's own issues)Both genders should be treated with the same amount of shame (or jail or loss of privileges)

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