Defense Secretary orders all combat jobs open to women

Story here. The positions are open to women, but there's no mention of enacting the same policy of assigning women to combat roles whether they like it or not. (Hey, don't all rush to put in for an MOS change at once!) Excerpt:

'Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Thursday ordered the military to open all combat jobs to women, rebuffing requests by the Marine Corps to exclude women from certain front-line combat jobs.

Declaring that "we are a joint force," Carter said that while moving women into these jobs will present challenges, the military can no longer afford to exclude half of the population from grueling military jobs. He said that any man or woman who meets the standards should be able to serve, and he gave the armed services 30 days to submit plans to make the historic change.

Carter's order opens the final 10 percent of military positions to women, and allows them to serve in the military's most demanding and difficult jobs, including as special operations forces, such as the Army Delta units and Navy SEALs.'

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Forget the facts, like men are better at fighting, or men are stronger than women. Forget the Constitution which talks about equal protection under the law, because men are not treated equally in the military. Consider maternity leave. If a woman gets pregnant, she's transferred out of a combat zone. If a man gets a woman pregnant, then he is not transferred.

Once again women are entitled to all the benefits that men get (feminist social policy trumps all other considerations), but women are not subject to the same risks and obligations that men must be subject to in order to obtain the exact same benefits. Women are not required to register for the military draft, nor can they be called up for military service. If women can now serve in all combat positions now, why are they not required to register for the draft?

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The Secret Service -- the organization the president uses to protect himself -- is 90% male.

So when it comes to his personal safety, he prefers men who are willing to sacrifice themselves for his protection.

But when it comes to the country, he is willing to take a risk with lower standards.

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While Obama wants to turn the rest of the country into a gun-free zone, the White House guards and the Secret Service remain armed. But Obama is important and we're not.

That aside, if I were a man in the military, I wouldn't re-up. Soon the female soldiers will need safe rooms with milk and cookies so they won't have to deal with the harsh realities of war. You don't get a trigger warning in war. You just get shot.

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I've said it many times before...You cant take two things that are different, treat them the same, and then expect the same outcome.

If you want to lose wars, have more casualties (both genders) and give your country up to the bad guys, then yeah...lets put pregnant woman on the front line!!!...Just before we all get be-headed we can all toast to the equality we achieved!!

Remember, the cultures we are most likely to be fighting against, use women to breed the next generation of soldiers. If our culture doesn't value women for reproductive capabilities, the other cultures dont really have to go to war with us, they will just outbreed us.

BTW -sounds like some of you are for implementing a no-birth policy or forced abortion to force women on the front lines.


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