Rape culture and the problem with numbers
Article here. Excerpt:
'Most mainstream news publications publish, you know, news. Except when it’s about “rape culture” on campus, when no news is also considered news. Case in point: following a winter survey they initiated last year on campus sexual assault, CBC News this fall conducted a survey of 87 post-secondary institutions to investigate the reporting of sexual assaults in 2014 on and off their campuses.
Since the received activist wisdom on the subject assures us that one in four (or five, depending on the polemicist) women on campus will be sexually assaulted during her college tenure, the researchers were chagrined to find that the actual number of reports came to 700 – averaging out to 1.85 per 10,000 students – a figure that jibes with rates of sexual assault in the general population. In 16 schools – seven in Quebec and nine in western Canada – not a single sexual assault has been reported in the last six years.
To feminists, there can be only one explanation for the dearth of reports, and certainly not the explanation that sexual assaults are either rare or considered not worth reporting by those involved. “It’s undercounting” is the immediate conclusion leapt to by University of Ottawa criminology professor and domestic violence researcher Holly Johnson. “It’s not counting what is the true experience of students, because there is no campus in which this doesn’t exist.”'
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What "Rape Culture"???
I hear feminists proclaiming, endlessly, that we live in a "Rape Culture".
i.e. a culture that promotes the rape of females, condones the rape of females,
encourages the rape of females, celebrates the rape of females and turns a blind eye to the rape of females.
When and where does this ever happen in Western society???
It is the exact polar opposite..! Anyone looking at violent crime statistics, such as those from the F.B.I. and the World Health Organization can clearly see this society is in no way a "Rape Culture". Not to mention the fact that a woman can accuse a man of rape, falsely, and not only ruin that man's career and even his life, but is rarely even held, criminally, accountable when she is proven a liar..! That is not even possible in a culture that promotes and celebrates the rape of women.
So where are they getting this "Rape Culture" shiz from...???