Facebook executive tells Air Force Academy cadets that military is one of worst for bias

Story here. Excerpt:

'Corporate America and the military are sexist and show racial bias, a leading businesswoman told cadets Friday at the Air Force Academy.

Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook and author of the book "Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead," told a crowd of nearly 3,000 cadets that society tells women they are less competent and capable. She described the military as one of "the worst" organizations for bias during a 30-minute speech.

"Women and minorities face barriers white men don't face," she said.'

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It's called the obstacle course. A lot of women don't make it through. But the barriers exist to keep out people who can't do the job.

And, yes, a few women can past the test--maybe, after several tries and a little gender norming. But most can't. A lot of women can't drag a grown man to safety out of a fire--but I guess that's no reason not to let them try. The only people bothered are the grown men or overweight women who die because the 100-pound woman couldn't save them.

There are times saying no to a woman saves lives.

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'"Women and minorities face barriers white men don't face," she said'

Yeah, well, men are required to register for the draft while women aren't. If this isn't sexist and discriminatory, I don't know what is. But go ahead, and conveniently leave that part out, Sheryl Sandbag.

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